The Daily Bulletin/Reveille. (College Station, Tex.) 1916-1938, September 27, 1916, Image 1

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Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students,
faculty, and campus residents. :
Vol. 11. College Station, Texas, Wednesday, September 27. 1916. No. 2.
Two Issues Today.
Today, there will be two issues
of the Daily Bulletin, one this
morning and one this afternoon.
It is important that cadets
read both issues.
Classification Notice.
By action of the faculty, the
operation of paragraph 103 of
the Blue Book has been suspend-
ed for the current year.
Freshmen Football Men.
- Freshmen football candidates
will report to D. X. Bible, today.
at Y. M. C. A. Building and re-
ceive information as to uniforms
and practice
Work-out begins Wednesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, at Kyle
Guard Detail.
September 27, 1916.
Officer of the Day:
Cadet Private Allen, E. R.
Officer of the Guard:
Cadet Lieutenant Allert, C. C.
September 28, 1916.
Officer of the Day:
Cadet Private Barnes, J. R.
Officer of the Guard:
Cadet Lieutenant Barton, J. R.
- Attention, Student Janitors.
Student janitors of last year,
who wish to retain - their posi-
tions, should meet the Student
Labor Committee PROMPTLY
at 11 olclock . today. Room 212
Main Building.
Bureau of Information.
The Y. M. C. A. will have a
bureau of information in the lob-
by of the Main Building on the
opening days of school. where
the officers of the Association
will take pleasure in giving you
any information and assistance
possible. Do not hesitate to ask
them questions.
An annual membership fee of
five dollars entitles you to the
free use of the swimming pool in
the new Y. M.C. A. Building; in
addition to the other member-
ship privileges. This costs you
lesslthan two cents per day for
swimming and shower baths in
artesian water. You can make
no hetter investment for your
mind, body, and health We
want to have your name on the
membership roll as soon as you
reach the College. You will have
an opportunity to purchase a
membership ticket at the infor-
mation bureau.
President Y. M., C. A