PROBLEM PREGNRNCV? UJ€ CRN HELP Free Pregnancy Testing Personal Counseling Pregnancy Terminations Completely Confidential Call Us First - We Care 713/271-0121 6420 Hillcroft, Houston, Texas m LITT EATRES SOUTHERN Happy Spring Break-Matinees at Post Mall $2.50 nil i«t Show i Sat. & Sun. Only at Cinema 3 Only 3/11-15 Students with 1.0. Friday At seats on Tu—day Senior Citizens Anytlmd CINEMA Post Oak Mall 3 [31S COLLEGE N. 846-6714 SAT/SUN: 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 WEEKNITES: 7:30-9:30 THE BREAK FAST club ffi -/ t" A FRI. 7:00-9:45 NOMINATED 7 Ol THEKIUJNC ^FIELDS gg SAT/SUN: 1:45-4:45-7:45 WEEKNITES: 7:45 only NOMINATED FOR 11 OSCARS INCLUDINQ BEST PICTURE AmadeuS 1 V. SAT/SUN: 1:30-4:30-8:00 WEEKNITES: 2:00 only NOMINATED FOR 11 OSCARS INCLUDINQ BEST PICTURE R PASSAGE TO INDIA as . FRI: 7:15-9:30-2:45-5:00-7:15-9:30 J€ff GOLDBLUM _ MICH6LL6 Pf^lR^R MIDNITE•: REVIEW TONIGHT' ‘Monty Python And The Holy Grail” (R) *. ST 'El* WEWSN& E 1 * SCIENCE FlCnOWj 1 ICOUMII: BUY 1 L25 » Twp Sst tolUdaita SCHULMAN $2 SO STARTING MARCH 15th HOT MOVES -1st Show 6at. A &un. All Seats -KTAM Family Nite-Mon. Sch. 6 ,-KTAM Family Nite-Tue. ME III THEATRES -Students with current ID to A&M, Blinn J.C., Bryan High & A&M Consolidated-Mon.-Wed SCHULMAN 6 MANOR EAST III ^ 20021. 29th 775-2463 MANOR EAST MALL 823-8300 1 SAT./SUN: 2:40-5:00-7:20-9:50 MON.-FRI: 7:20-9:50 CHRISTOPHER REEVE - - - - -- * - “ i SAT.-SUN.: 2:40-5:00-7:30-9:50 MON.-FRI.: 7:30-9:50 . ... WP’H .. : c .rH£?17PvfOa CHUCK NORRIS >i< .. k-< : :K' >»'- !«>:<. V«l !»> «»::>:<'! fS.'.-W.tX: AN AMERICAN HERO'S STORY CONTINUES... SAT.-SUN.: 2:50-5:10-7:30-9:55 MON.-FRI.: 7:30-9:55 IWrssnvc INACTION 2 The Beginning HANNON mcmiuxv T3 ^ CANNON PBOOUCriONS N V GhoulieS SAT.-SUN.: 2:50-5:10-7:30-9:55 MON.-FRI.: 7:30-9:55 “DELICIOUSLY TERRIFYING. GUARANTEED TO MAKE YOU JUMP OUT OF YOUR SEAT." SAT.-SUN.: 2:45-5:05-7:25-9:45 MON.-FRI.: 7:25-9:45 EDDIE MURPHY IN BIEVERI-TJHIU-S SAT.-SUN.: 2:35-4:55-7:20-9:40 MON.-FRI.: 7:20-9:40 RE RECORDED IN DIGITAL STEREO Page 4/The Battalion/Friday, March 8,1985 llllliillliilililll ■ - v ' •; - | y-.'-y^vw • yv '- llllll liiliililllili : ... ■ I Ill I Battalion Classified ; . _ 0 ig 1 ^ defter. Mours Program will sfmnsor a ^ m-Wk, , "riday and Saturday This course may be used to have c&r* violations dismissed and to receive a 10 percent discount bile insurance- Registration is held 8 to 5 Mon- ugh Friday in 216 MSC. For more information, call 845- Police beat FOR RENT n g ! ported to the University Police De partment through Friday. MISDEMEANOR THEFT: • A Ruger model NR-6 .22 cali ber revolver )artment Galveston County Sheriff Department is holding lifeguard it 715 Holiday Drive on Galveston Island. The rryoutsoegin , on March 10. T o be considered, interested applicants must ■Pi st' 17-years-old and be able to swim 500 meters in under 10 E'-.'ablfcutgs,. 50 meters ih. 35 seconds or less and complete a 25 meter un derwater swim. Personal interviews will also be a factor. For ^plica tions, call (409) 766-2310, Applications are now available for duchesses to the 5!st Gottog PageanL organisation is invited th'^ter a con- as well as sororities and fraternities. The winner receives a >00 scholarship neld March 29 and ap; Ho was stolen i Married from an Student stolen from Apollo Missions flight director to speak here today By ROD RICHARDSON Reporter Gerald D. Griffin, director of the Johnson Space Center in Houston, will be the featured speaker at the Junior Engineering Technical So ciety conference here today. Griffin will speak at 3 Rudder Auditorium. p.rn. Griffin, Class of ’56, was flight di rector in Mission Control on all 11 Apollo space missions. He joined NASA in 1964, and has been direc tor at the Houston space center since August 1982. The former A&M student was lead flight director on Apollo mis sions 12, 15 and 17 and he served as flight controller on all the Gemini flights. He is also expected to discuss the changing complexion of the space business and some of the new inno vations and challenges in the space industry. The Junior Engineering Techni cal Society was created to inform high school students, teachers and arents about the engineering, pro- ession. I During the conference, students will participate in competitive tests in pish, mathematics, biology and Engl engineering graphics. Awards will be presented for win ners of a technical paper contest, en gineering design competition, the competitive tests and the best and largest Texas JETS chapters. ousing. • A lithograph was the lobby of the Medical Sciences Building. • A digital VT-100 computer ter minal and keyboard were stolen from 216-R Zachry Engineering Center. • A maroon Schwinn 10-speed bicycle was stolen from outside Fowler Hall. • A blue St. Tropez 10-speed bi cycle was stolen from outside a stu dent’s apartment. • A blue Raleigh 10-speed bicycle was stolen from the west end of Wal ton Hall. • A blue Sonnie 10-speed bicycle was stolen from outside a student’s apartment. • A blue Premier 10-speed bicy cle was stolen from the bike rack out side Moses Hall. • A silver Fuji 12-speed bicycle was stolen from outside the Zachry Engineering Center. • A Sears, Roebuck & Co. sleep ing bag and clock radio were stolen from a student’s room in Dorm 9. • A $100 bill was stolen from a student’s wallet left unattended in the Memorial Student Center coffee shop. • A brown wallet and a racket cover were stolen from outside a racketball court in DeWare Field House. • A maroon backpack left unat tended on a bookshelf in Sbisa Din ing Hall was stolen. • A blue tri-fold wallet was stolen from an unlocked desk in 206-F Blocker. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF: • The left fender was broken on a Honda moped parked at the Krueger Hall bike rack. • Three men were arrested on charges of criminal mischief after a University Police officer saw one of tVvtTO. bteaSk Vne wooden arro on the parking control gate at the intersec tion of Houston and Ross Streets. ASSAULT: • A student reported she was as saulted by an unidentified man while sitting behind the Sul statue at midnight. BAKER STREET MINI WAREHOUSE 5x5 to 10x30 $18 to $77 846-5794 DAYS 779-3938 NIGHTS HELP WANTED By SH SAFEWAY, INC, Almost an) I prudent com i L [owed and il ma common has part time openings i CHECKERS. To be considered lot® _ position, you must be availablete said John Sac Spring Break for training. Alsoap • College of B employment test must be passed.5 Council. 779-3288 to schedule an appoinlro testing and interview sessions lasli proximately 2V2 hours and willbeii at SAFEWAY store on BriarcresU urday March 9th (by appointlM only). Pay rate begins at $3.60toli • depending on experience. Equal Og ot business, portunity Employer. M/F/H/V. The Greenery Landscape Maintenara Team Member Full or Part-Time Interview M-Th ^ 'V 8:30-9:30a.m. 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan BO' CAMP WEKEELA FOR /GIRLS Canton, Main#; aaaka extraordinary ayntmotl 8 18 tor poaltlona in tannle, watartkllng,ulltyi lea, craatlvO'partormlng ort», photogriptiy.iwt Ing, eocreterle*. Contact: Erlc LaurenScoWot South Cataady. Columbus, Ohio 43209, S142)M ^ * The forme tonio’s Alarm aspiring busii night on how successfully b Sackett woi ment consulta "The fact i: ful lot of con are really poo said. Sackett illut Aide tor nursery school mornings. Student fait ing late afternoons. 846-5571. Student’s wife wanted to lease apartment! evenings and some days at Courtyard Apartiwai 693-2772 S 10-{360. mailing circulars'. No bon tas! Sincerely interested rush self-addresstdtm Dept A.M-7CEG. PC) Box 830, WoodstockUM Lifeguards/Pool ManagcrVSwitn Insmicun pay. Houston area. Experience helpful, notrai V13-578-8227. Sell Roses at night club $7 hour. 779-624.14 Gerri. Brazos Ventures needs lawn cate peofk ^uWsti truck preferred, $4 25/hr , 846-6060 II Griffin is expected to give a brief summary of U.S. manned space flights. Other awards and scholarships will be presented to the 1,500 stu dents expected to attend the closing ceremonies. EVADING ARREST: • A student was arrested on charges of evading arrest after rid ing away from a University Police of ficer who had tried to stop him for running a stop sign at the intersec tion of Joe Routt and Houston Streets. Accepting application* for summer lifeguard pi for City of Colle City of College Station. Apply at Thomain 7:30 Monday thru Friday. PERSONALS PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion procedural referrals - Free pregnancy testing. Houiton, la (713)271-0121. White denounces federal actions on drug smuggling ROOMMATE WANTED Need roommate for rest of semester. 2 bedtooall per month, gas and utilities. Tony, 822-4597 III Roommate needed in Casa Bianca Apts. Vour* bedroom. $i25/mo. Call 846-3221. FOR SALE Associated Press AUSTIN — The federal govern ment must get tougher on Mexican border drug smugglers, Gov. Mark White said Thursday. He said the use of military recon naissance planes without adequate backup is like playing “expensive vi deo games.” “I know of no invasion that’s ever taken place in this country’s history that has created so much turmoil, so much heartache, so much hardship and so much of a threat to our na tional security as the invasion of nar cotics,” White said. “I think it’s time for the national government to get about its job. We have the resources available; we’ve paid for those resources. They’re called ‘national defense.’ ” White said the drug-related crime occurring in Mexico has spilled over into Texas. “Many of the problems we face and the deaths that have occurred, the kidnappings that have occurred, are directly related to narcotics traf ficking in this state and this nation,” he said. The governor downplayed Thursday’s announcement in Wash ington that the military is using so phisticated AW ACS — airborne ra dar — planes to detect aircraft carrying drugs into the United SAT.-SUN.: 2:10-4:40-7:15-9:45 MON.-FRI.: 7:15-9:45 (S TIMOTHY SEAN HUTTON PENN THE FALCON ft SAT.-SUN.: 2:45-5:05-7:25-9:45 MON.-FRI.: 7:25-9:45 nniMLT gTXPCOl HI u#i"nuinDC Harrison Ford is John Book. [M] STARTING MARCH 29th SAT.-SUN.: 2:40-5:00-7:20-9:50 MON.-FRI.: 7:20-9:50 RETURN OF THE J E D I PALACE DIA DE ALBANILES ME LLEVA LA TRISTEVA Battalion Classified 845-2611 > e Nil! I"! Ill o o k J A States. Despite the use of AWACS, he said, equipment hasn’t been made available to pursue smugglers who are spotted. “You're putting a $ 100 million out there on the front line and you have no backup responsibility,” White said. “If we don’t have the pursuit planes to follow up the aircraft they may detect through the use of that surveillance effort, in a sense we’re playing very expensive video games. “They can go up there and see the planes coming in, and yet we don’t have any mechanism out there to go apprehend those planes.” SKI COLORADO Spring Break REDUCED! $199 4 Days Skiing A Few Spots Now Available 260-7058 1980 Olds Cutlass Supreme and 1979 Mercury Etta 846-3954. ID Amazon Parrots $200-1400. Young, tame, nilli guaranteed healthy, Steve. 693-0767. Condo for sale, 2 bedrooms IH? batliromrm, Wilt eluded on shuttle route, all furnished, 696-1525. II* 1 LOST AND FOUND AVAILABLE Friendly roommate. Quiet — and smart. Able to sort through complicated issues. Will share workload. Problem solving is my specialty. Supportive and dependable. Flexible. Clever. Fun. Good looking. See the IBM PC Family on Campus at The Pavilion, March 4-8. PRESENT THIS COUPON AT i€I)eteea street -pub m CORPUS CHRISTI FOR ONE ORDER OF NACHOS LOST: Women’s gold silver Seiko Tuesday, Feb. I night softball field. Please return, Box 4551 orccoH; Bobbin, 693-2812, sentimental value. SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonablf rates. Dissertations, theses, papers, resumes. Typing copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive 846-3755. «if |FR££/FR££'fR££.^ Planning a Party? D.J. Party Service has just then* and this semester try our Friday Special just Jl2S.f* booking information feel free to call DAVID 846-1838. ra V" Get* ACTION ufhft WANT ADS Typing, word processing, resumes. Lowest pttf highest quality in town. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430 Professional quality typing. Term papers, Theses, ness needs. Call Marilyn, 693-75 U Mary Kay Cosmetics complimentary facial and tea* ers Marilyn Luckie Beauty Consultant. 823-1761. IMli Prospector Commodities — Aggicland's only esdis" commodity futures trading company. Fedenlty | censed, 823-2910. PhilOvsiinial I s ping. I'wtraav seats rx|ivlit’isi'1^ iliesiv terin pn|x'tw. . iSlM®. Professional Typist/word processor. Faculty: theses, journals. Call Suzanne, 775-8476. Word processing all kinds. By appointment only CJ 775-6178 anytime WANTED WANT ED: Rock bass guitar |>layer. Call Dean, g 16, 775-3983. 3471 or J.B.t 764-H086. Battalion Classified 845-2611 Battalion Classifieds iCall 845-2611) Unh (continue sive, on conducted cadet inspei eration with Texas A E. Vandivei raged to set ership is dis sing infrac would.” Sophomo Bruce Goc N.Y., died < gust after b bed and fo “motivation Four u[ charged in < hhe) Euadi tampering v tenced to Criminally charges ag Miles, Louis thony D’Ai missed and placed on pi