THE BATTALION fmoav am *. »**», i Decreasing number of PhDs in education advised A doctorate program involving training in college and in industry n needed to halt the increasing number of PhDs entering the educu- tion field, said Dr: Eric A. Walker yesterday. Walker, president emeritus of Pennsylvania State University , ad dressed the 24th meeting of the As sociation of Texas Graduate Schools in conjunction with the Centennial Academic Assemblies sponsored by tlie Texas AArM graduate college His speech was the first in a series of assemblies dealing with “The Future of Graduate Education " “We have no need to expand our facilities lor producing PhDs of tin- research variety to teach in our col leges or take up research positions in industry or government." said Walker “We are already producing too many doctorates in the field of education for we now have a dwindl ing supply of students for them to service ’’ Walker said that colleges are also faced with a declining or steady amount of money for performing re search. filling the pipeline for doc toral study. "Yet, many graduates need further training beyond the Bachelor or Master's degree." Walker addegl The first year in industry must not be just a job. Walker said He suggested that the hest training would be to spend a year as an assis tant to the vice president of a com pany There the student could meet with corresponding people in the other disciplines, not just research, but finance, accounting and market ing as w ell As we move through life our edu cational needs and wants change. Walker said. 'Thes cannot lie fulfil led by something studied in four y ears of college "Graduate education for those who are engaged in industry and commerce — those practitioners who pros ide the public those goods and services which the public wants and for which it is willing to pay — is graduate education for the entrep reneur,** said Walker People in the wprld of manufac ture and commerce are better de scribed as entrepreneurs or in- nosators.’ said Walker 'They do things that are new and different. They see a need and have bright ideas as to how that need can he fil led." Education should produce more than skillful practitioners, he con tinued. It should produce people who are well-educated, useful, con cerned and comfortable. Walker said that the educated should he considered "useful lie- cause they have mastered the tools of their trade, and concerned because they understand the world in which they live, see its assets and its shortcomings and want to impros e it for others. They should he comforta ble because they are able to see. enjoy and contribute to the fruits of our history and culture.” Walker agreed with the recom mendation made to add to under graduate study a fifth y ear leading to a Master s Degree. This would lead to a more professional group of businessmen in the work) of industry ami commerce. Not all who receive a master's de gree spend their lives in education and research, said Walker Students must he trained to combine "man- Ilower, money and materials to pro duce the things people want. ** —Karen Germany BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge — $1.00 Classified Display $1 05 per column inch each insertion • ALL classified ads must be pre paid DEADLINE ' 3pm day before publication PERSONALS HELP WANTED INTEaESTF. 11 IS NO KRII.LS LOW COST JET THAVEI. to Eurnyir. Africa, thr MmIcHt bant. I hr Ear Kart' EDiCATIONAL FLIGHTS Um h*rn b* Ipm* |M-nplr traced tin 4 Utdgrt with maximum fWx»h»htA and mtnmuim hmxlr lor xtx vrarx For morr inft> mil hUO-223- VMH# Witft* * FOR SALE OFFICIAL NOTICE TEWS saw CM\ ERSITY omcE or the in:as or ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS !n> nr: r i iciri e to m rchase the Texas arm •RIM,. AN t NDKRCRADt ATE STt DENT Ml ST Have at least one tear in residence. 1 REDIT FOR AT LEAST NINETY TWO W SEMES -TER MOCK AND BE IN tJOOD STANDING WITH THE I NIXKRsm A VKAH IN RESIDENCE MAY i ONSISTOf THE f AIX AND SPRING SEMESTERS AIR ONE OE THE A BOX E AND A ECU. SI MMER SESSION BOTH THE FIRST AND SECOND Terms tme hoi bs passed at the prei.imi •nary grade report period in March IW7B NIAY RE l SED IN SATISFYING THIS NINETY TWO H2 IIOI RREgl IREMEVT STt DENTS VCALIKY •|NO l NDER THIS RECt t-ATlON SHOCLD LEAVE .THEIR S AMI S W Mil THE RIM. ( I r Hk ROOM •.sr\t\ RICHARD COKE RUIUMNC THIS >1101 ID Ml IX>M PRIOR TO MARC H IUTH IN .ORDER EOR XU RECORDS TO BE CHECKED TO •jlETEBMINE RIM. ELIGIBILITY STCDENTs XL •RIXDX HAVING NINET1 IXXO COMPLETED « MOCKS ON HEUIBI) AS OF THE FALL SEMESTER Ova* MAY ORDER AT ANYTIME THESE RECCLAR • ORDERS are maiu:dthe last WEEK Of EACH .MONTH CRADCATE STl DENTS ARE ELIGIBLE •To ORDER WITH PROOf (RECEIPT! THAT THEY •HAVE FILED FOR CRADI ATTON I ORDERS EOR MID-SEMESTER WILL BE TAKEN • M THE rim; CIERK STARTING MARC H 22. HTbL. 'AND WILLCONTINCE CNML APRIL23. IITfi ALL , RIM.S Ml ST BE PAID EOR IN El LL WHEN THE • ORI>r:R IS Pl.Al ED STT DENTS WTU. SAVE TIME •It THEY W114. RUING MID-SEMESTER GRADE ‘REPORTS Al OM. XI MEN REXDY TO ORDER .STCDENTS WHO II XX E EAILEDTO LE.AXE THEIR -Nxxirs IN XD\ XN( i XXII i ME ASKED jD RE- ’ TI RN LATER TO AILOW TIME EOR RECORDS TO • RE CHECKED • THE RINGS ARE 111 E TO ARRIX E AT THE REGIS . thar soki k r on jt nezv imtb all rings or . pERED. HEt.AhIH ESSOr W OPEN HOUSE Saturday, April 3 and Sunday, April 4 from 10 until 6. 2312 Sandy Lane (near Carson and Pinfeather) $25,900. Only 10% down. Handcrafted and profes sionally decorated. 3 bedroom home, 4 minutes from TAMU. Fine residence or profitable in come property. Call 823-7656 or please come by the OPEN HOUSE **2 NEED INPATIENT COUNSELOR Valuable clinical experience of fered on JCHA accredited psychiatric Inpatient Unit. Staff function as active participants in group-onented milieu. All positions full time. Contact Di rector Hospital Services, Cent ral Brazos Valley Mental Health Center, 822-7326 for further information. tut? “BIG SAIL” frOh South Hr vat i Thun.. Fh., Sot . Mon Tut* Mini-Bike*. < .UvriAarx*. China. Flower Potv Old Car, I —Am|in Furniture. Talde. Chain. AnfH|uexf*SewinfC Mat fun*' Clothev B«M>tv Shoe*. Pnmitixex. Old Ice Box. MiMdi More. All At Bar team Price* 9Bt3 Attractive cocktail waitresses wanted evenings, 6 days a week. Mansard House, 693-2200. Attrac tive salary and tips. Also salad girl wanted. HAtfn RUMMAGE SALE St. Thomas Chapel 906 Jersey C S. Thursday and Friday, 9-5 Saturday 9-12 RN POSITION AVAILABLE Inpatient psychiatric unit, JCHA accredited, offers train ing program and challenging working situation for RN in terested in mental health spe cialty. Position fulltime. Con tact Director Hospital Services, Central Brazos Valiev Mental Health Center, 822-7326 for further information. wu" AS X XX C-242n alter 5 p m Wt2 OVERSEAS JOB - Summer/year- round Europe. S. America. Australia. Asia. Etc. All fields, $500-S1200 monthly Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free information - Write: Interna tional Job Center. Dept. TC. Box 4490. Berkeley, CA 94704. 9RU2 12'AU I-S»ni|Mo»i mobile bomr. 2 bedroom, p^rtinllv hir* imbed AUT7900 dler S 30 p m 9R(3 | CAROLYN WELLS. RING < LEHk THE GRADl ATE C OI.LECF Eimd Examination lor the Doctoral Decree . Nanw- Rot-Miaili t .iintiHi -Drsree II. D m [Olwerlatam CHUIRIDE ANIXOSMOTIC REG! LX THIN Of THE t.RXSS SHRIMP Pxl XEXIO • SEIFS PI GIO r.XPOSED TO HH M III OKI * SATED RIPHE NXI.S IT Its .T him- A|»nl IS I9TA .,1 itii | m * PLnx- It,MT-R in lb,- s, him . - RM^ , (.fnrcr XX • IV hi .4 tK,- t,' I olk c, THE t.RXDI ATE ( Ol LEI.F . final f Laniinatica. In* (lie IVatural Ikecree Nana Heamx Davul North IVnu,-' 1*1* D M. 11, tilt ami li.LLK-al Kd«i,att«M. IVxM-rtali.H. X ( (tXIPXRISON Of THr KIEEC TlXENEssor TAXOXir ITIODSOf TEXt HIM. sri KiTFD sixiRis xiTixmr:s to third AND SIXTH GRADE ( IIHDHEN Turn- April 19 I9TA al 2 !■» p in Plata ILanii 214 in «. Htdli. XAhit. , * i.taaC,' XX Knn/,' IV-an i«i ill,- Giadnati t axlk-it, sPRINI. XXX \R|4S SI HOI XRSHIPS A|A»laatiiin ham, ha S|*nfitt Xoard, Proipa '72 Tovota Cela C7A3 TO mpg. r. magy. radiali. H4A 9QtH 1974 kawayaki 900cc. r*t-ell,-iit i-ondibo,) 11H95 Gall S45J797 93th HM X XX \,-v, ,'ti K im- Gall H23-MM PnrM'la- 912. I9RR Hi-bmlt nigim-oith ISdOmik-y BtlI •4rr me, St IOO Call Ka\ eiriimci S22 9211 WMS Bring your bikes to White’s Auto Store, College Station, your oldest and most dependable store, for parts, repair or trade and prices yon like. FOR SALE OR RENT . _ la- «>)•fanitil Inatt llir Stmlrul k hwiua tal \hI OHict*. Hahiui 3111. 1MC \ Buihlitu; \H apfilit atum* must I*- lihtl With flu Stiukrtil I maiMi.d \t»l Offat* ih*I latct than jklltl p in A|*nl I. l-»t«- a|i|>lK'atums will not hr atx«'|ftx «f III BELAIR Mobile Home Park y niiimti s Inan t am|His mut |mmd F\ t ahh .ill iitx nlihtwx S22 £i2ham s22 2421 <»«*t the Best h»r Less l?#4rtn MR. GATTI’S is looking lor xersatile enti i t.ioit'i's giot.o bitiijt,. pi.tlllyf n I Hgl *1 x ilnoy .uul grPnips \V i .,1, . 11 yi i Iilli ling I l ■ l y 11 .IXX.ud plus i nnli.u I loi (In- tin in.ttitiii nl .i Mi i • R.igtiiiii R.iml II \ iiii liaxe i.ili nt .mil xxoiild lik. to .null tloli l ill N It' tNO>) loi .ippolllt llll ' III Jack Ford to visit A&M Jack Ford, the President’s son. xvill visit Texas A&M between April 12 and 14. The announcement was made last night at the organizational meeting of the A6c M chapter of Young Texans lor President Ford. Ford will run against Ronald Reagan in the Texas Republican primary May 1. About a dozen students showed up lor the meeting which outlined their immediate duty as publicizing Jack Fords visit. The group xxill also pass out information on President Ford in the Memorial Student Center. Linden Heck, youth coordinator of the Young Texans for President Ford, told the campaigners that only 196 persons in Brazos County voted in the Republican primary in 1972. "Identify the Ford voter and get him to the polls," said Heck. A6cM coordinator for the group is Tom Glass. JupTnamb* 3# Child Care for 20 month old little girl. 4 days a week. 6:30 a m.-4:30 p.m. Would prefer home with another small child. S46-2967 after 6:00 p. m. 99t4 FOR RENT SPECIAL NOTICE 1 bedroom, furnished studio Scl X H « 1 111 \|| apartment, 1 block from cam- t *lll X s|, 1 I 1 II | l I ,11 N pus. Greatly reducing rent for B«ah W in k 1 ’.untin‘_ summer. Call 846-1544. ioms II \l M 1 1 \l< Hi ip i i )\||* \\y WORK WANTED I),alg4 slues .11HI Net Ml I Sitkv 1922 nil 1( \.4> \m S21-S11I lliayr [Myturr and >ulb S4B-7U15 LOST PHOTOS BY MAC SHADIX Weddings fle Commercial 846-0868 ROOMMATE WANTED Small man y min ring S.-l in plain gnkl .alia- Rrwam nHrrvd C..IIS45 INII HI...- ylar yapphir, man y nng Imtialy GRM mial. Hoimmalr wantra. R9l3-947I • 97(4 Rryvard Call *»4«v90fl3 9bt3 HELP WANTED wanted eurcpi: */2ru,y 800 325 4867 Utv.Travel Charters SOSOLIK’S TV fit RADIO SERVICE Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 APARTMENT PLACEMENT SERVICE 3200 South College 823-7506 Reserve your apartment now for the Summer or Fall Semester before the prices increase. We Will Show You a Wide Selection of Apartments in the B-CS Area. OUR SERVICES FREE TO YOU Cynthia Jensen 779-2047 Murray Satoaata 693-8950 Jenny Pitta 846-1924 J. Glenn • Broker Battalion Want Ads AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: ( ..ill George Wehli f urmers Insitr.iiK-c Group IWIII N. ( i>JU-g(- S2.1-N051 Eddie Dominguez 66 Joe Arciniega '74 Greg Price Voting reminders College Station voters xvill elect five city council members, a mayor, three school board trustees and de cide on a proposed charter revision and a $6.4 million school bond issue when they go to the polls tomorrow. Voters should bring their voter registration cards with them to the polls. Voters who have lost their cards or who have not yet received them are still eligible to vote in the election. Under the new Texas voter re gistration laws, even a resident who has no registration card or who is not on a precinct's rolls, can still vote by signing an affidavit swearing that he has registered. The polls xvill be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the folloxving locations: Precinct 8 — South Knoll Elemen tary School, 1220 Boswell. Precinct 9 — AficM Consolidated Special Services Building, 1.300 S. Jersey, Rm. 13. Precinct 10 — College Station Fire Station Precinct 20 — Texas AficM Univer sity Center Precinct 21 — Old College Station Municipal Bldg. 101 Church Ave. N. Precinct 24 — College Hills Elementary' School, 101 Williams mm Mitt If you want tha raal thing, not trozan or cannad ... Wa call It "Maxlcan Food Suprama." Dallas location: 3071 Northwaat Hwy 352-8570 AXD-CJLT SKATri^STG- OUNTZ-TST every TUESDAY 7:00-9:00 PM we feature: Roller Skating Bumper Cars Miniature Golf Shooting Gallery Game Machines Photographs Concessions Poohs Park 846-5737 846-5736 Across from College Station water tower on Hwy. 6 Addrcvw*r\ wanted Immediate!*! Work at home — no eipenence m‘if\*ar\ — excellent pay. Write American Serxice. 1401 Wilson Btvd Suite 101, Arlingto.i Ya 22200 72t30 Typing Experienced fa\t. accurate All kind* S22- 4s who support George Wallace might feel the Alabama gox - ballot, hut hi- called oil all cam|)aign appearances in the state this week, saying he wanted to concentrate on his Wednesday night television speech in which he assailed Ford policies. Ford's political aides believe Reagan won in North Carolina be cause of a statewide radio and televi sion barrage that battered at detente as a "one-way street" and U S. milit ary strength as "seeond-lx*st.” Ford lias tried to counter that angle on several occasions, including an appearance in Wisconsin last week, where he defended detepte and declared that the Unitecr SJates is the strongest military power on earth. Reagan re|ieated the charges in his nationwide telecast and asserted that the recent economic upturn has not solved the basic problem of deficit budgets and foliation. first Lidy Betty Ford will follow her husliand into Wisconsin for two days of campaigning She'll lx* in Madison on Sunday and Milwaukee on Monday. Re-elect Homer Adams Place 2 City Council Pol. Ad Pd. lor by H. Adams NOW COMES MILLER TIME For your party needs ... Miller Kegs, Lite Kegs, Half-Barrels, and Ponies. Also Muchner (dark). See your college rep. or call 822-3623. Reserve yours now. We appreciate it. BRAZOS BEVERAGES SOS HWY. 2818 ■ Industrial Park 822-3623 AGGIES! Douglas Jewel ry offers Student ID Discounts! 15% off of ‘SO 00 or more 10% off of under ^O 00 CASH PURCHASE ONLY 212 N. MAIN 822-3119 DOWNTOWN BRYAN