The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 19, 1959, Image 1

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s of
d 80
is in
11 be
p. m.
Joyce Poston
. .*. Hart
Tina Bratton
Apartment Council
Jo Anna Carlo
. . . LepRett
Ann Cobb
Apartment Council
Dorothv Carr
. . . Mitchell
/ Ann Garrett
. . . Apartment Council
Ann McEachern
. . . Walton West
Civilian Students
Pick 14 Finalists
For Sweetheart
Fourteen finalists have been
named to vie for the title of “Civ
ilian Sweetheart” as a part of the
sixth annual Civilian Weekend
which begins Saturday.
The finalists includf sweethearts
from each civilian dormitory, four
from the apartment areas and one
representing the day students.
“Civilian Ball Sweetheart” will
be chosen during intermission and
crowned by Miss Millie Rowland,
’GO Aggie Sweetheart at the Civil
ian Ball scheduled in The Grove
from 9-12 Saturday night. There
civilians and their dates will dance
to the music of “The Collegians”,
a 20-piece band from Prairie View
A&M. Dance tickets are still on
gale and can be purchased for
|1.50 per couple or stag until the
iance begins.
Gen. Lemnitzer
To Take Over
As Army Chief
L. Lemnitzer, ranking dignitary at
the Spring Military Day review
at A&M Saturday, was tapped by
President Eisenhower as the new
Army chief of staff next July 1.
Now 59, Lemnitzer has been vice
chief of staff since July 1957. He
will succeed Gen. Maxwell D. Tay
lor, who plans to retire when his
term expires June 30. The White
House said Taylor had asked that
he not be I’eappointed.
Unlike two years ago when there
was a major reshuffle of the Pen
tagon top command, Eisenhower
renominated the other members
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Air Force Gen. Nathan F. Twin
ing was named as chairman of the
Joint Chiefs. His present term ex
pires Aug. 15.
Adm. Arleigh A. Burke was
nominated to his third term as
chief of naval operations, to ex
tend until August 1901.
Gen. Thomas D. White was se
lected for a second term as Air
Force chief of staff for the two
years beyond next June 30.
All four nominations are sub
ject to confinnation by the Sen
Gen. Randolph C. McPate, com
mandant of the Marine Corps, is
serving a term which runs until
next January. He is a member of
the Joint Chiefs whenever mat
ters touching on the Corps are
under consideration. *
Lemnitzer’s selection had been
expected. No one has been named
to replace him as vice chief of
Born in Honesdale, Pa., Lem
nitzer is a 1920 graduate of the
U. S. Military Academy.
Activity will start earlier Sat
urday with the annual Civilian Bar
becue in The Grove at 4 p. m.
Sweetheart finalists will be intro
duced then. Entertainment will be
provided by band members of “The
Collegians” plus a quartet, “The
Dreamers”. “The Silvertones”, an
all-Aggie trio, will also sing. Ben
Havard, Walton Hall Civilian Stu
dent Council member, will act as
master of ceremonies.
Tickets to the barbecue are $1
for adults and 50 cents for children.
Barbecue and ball tickets are be
ing sold by dormitory presidents,
members of the Civilian Student
Council and the Department of
Student Activities, second floor,
Sweetheart finalists and escorts
are Dorothy Carr, Mitchell Hall,
escorted by Howard Andrews; Jo
Anna Carlo, Leggett Hall, escorted
by Fred Cole; Bonny Heggen, Wal
ton East, escorted by Joe Winston;
Mary Jo Saunders, Law Hall, es
corted by Ralph Bullard; Bette
Ayadian, Puryear Hall, escorted
by Jimmie Tucker; Carolyn Wight,
Bizzell Hall, escorted by David
Wight; Joyce Poston, Hart Hall,
escorted by Joe Yanta; Annell
Freeman, Milner Hall, escorted by
Jim Langston; Ann McEachern,
Walton West, escorted by William
E. Maxwell; Ann Cobb, Apartment
Council, escorted by Richard W.
Cobb; Tina Bratton, Apartment
Council, escorted by Bill Brattgn;
Jo Ann Pitzer, Apartment Council,
escorted by Carroll D. Pitzer; Ann
Garrett, Apartment Council, es
corted by Charles H. Garrett; and
Barbara Wolfle, Day Student area,
escorted by Tom Wolfle.
Published Daily on the Texas A&M College Campus
Number 90: Volume 58
Price Five Cents
Ike Says Tighten Down
On Negotiations In Berlin
One Councilmari
Faces Opposition
In City Election
Only one candidate faces op
position in the city election Tues-
lay, April 7, to pick three council-
William A. Smith is opposing L.
J. McCall, present City Council
member, in the Ward III race. J.
A. Orr in Ward I and D. A. An
derson in Ward II are running for
-e-election without opposition.
Dr. L. G. Jones will be election
judge at the Ward I voting booth
in the A&M Consolidated School
Music Room. His assistants will
be Mrs. F. R. Bryson and Mrs. J.
B. (Dick) Hervey.
In Ward II voters will cast their
ballots at 111 Walton in the Col
lege Hills Shopping Center. Mrs.
Robert A. Knapp will be election
iudge and Mrs. Harvey Oakes and
Mrs. John Hill will be assistants.
Mrs. W. D. Lloyd will preside at
the Ward III booth in the City
President Plans
4-Day Conference
WASHINGTON—(/P)—President Eisenhower was report
ed Wednesday night to be advocating a tough negotiating
attitude toward Russia as the best way to solve the Berlin
crisis while promoting German unity.
This word on the White House attitude circulated as
Eisenhower prepared for the arrival today of British Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan. They’ll have a four-day round
of talks aimed at coordinating Western strategy.
Top administration officials were cheered by Macmillan’s
statement in Ottawa about a need “to combine firm prin
ciples with readiness to negotiate.”
This Macmillan view coincided with Eisenhower’s ex-
♦•pressed determination t o
1 a i stand firm in Western Berlin
100 Attend
Coffee Given
rs. Rudder
Newcomers Chib Has Tea
Mrs. Earl Rudder, third from left, hosted
a tea for more than 100 wives of campus
newcomers yesterday morning in her home.
Others in the picture are Mrs. M. T. Har-
First Production Tuesday Night
rington, seated on the left; Mrs. J. E. Ro
berts, second from left; Mrs. E. L. Angell,
second from right; and Mrs. I. W. Rupel.
A&M Consolidated to Give
One - Act Junior, Plays
News of the World
By The Associated Press
Ike Signs Hawaii State Bill
WASHINGTON — President Eisenhower Wednesday
signed the bill offering to Hawaii the statehood it has sought
for many years.
It is now up to the people of Hawaii to accept statehood
under the terms and conditions specified by Congress.
★ ★ ★
Agreement Reached for Troops in Germany
BONN, Germany—After SVk years of negotiation West
Germany and six NATO allies have agreed on conditions for
stationing NATO troops in Germany.
The massive agreement with the United States, Britain,
France, Belgium, Canada and the Netherlands replaces the
temporary one attached to the 1955 Paris treaty ending the
occupation of West Germany. It now must be approved by :
the governments concerned. , j
Battalion Staff Writer
“January Thought”, a three-act
comedy, by William Ross, will be
presented by the A&M Consolidat
ed junior class in the school audi
torium at 8 p. m..Tuesday.
The setting for the play is a
Connecticut farmhouse. The Gage
family has moved in and redecorat
ed the house when the original
owners, the Rockwood family, de
cides to move back in. The play
depicts the struggle of the two
families living in the same house.
Herbert Gage is played by Kelly
Parker. Sarah Gage is Judy Ras
mussen. Paula, Barbara and Marge
Gage are played by Yvonne Parker,
Dorothy Ben-y and Ann Elkins,
Wednesday’s Battalion reported
incorrectly that Dr. C. S. Marvel,
professor of chemistry at the Uni
versity of Illinois, will speak here
today at 2 p. m.
Dr. Marvel is scheduled to speak
at 2 p. m. Friday in Room 231 of
the Chemistry Building. Topic of
his address is “Intramolecular Pol
ymerization of Non-Con jugated
respectively. Freida is Janis Gard.
George Husted is portrayed by
Dee Smith. Jonathan Rockwood
School Board Jobs
Have 9 Candidates
Nine persons have filed for the
three vacancies to be filled on the
A&M Consolidated School Board
in an election Saturday, April 4.
Two of the men are seeking re-
election to their posts while one
of the present boai'd members did
not seek re-election.
Milton Williams and C. A. Bon-
nen are seeking repeat turns.
Ernest Redmond did not file for
The others filing are Albert W.
Jache, thfe Rev. Charles G. Work
man, Geoi’ge B. Hensarling Jr.,
Mrs. Raymond B. Hite, Milton
Ford, J. B. (Dick) Hervey and
Harold E. Redmond.
Ford is a Negro—the first to
file for a school board spot.
Absentee ballots may be cast in
the County Tax-Assessor Collect
or’s Office in the Brazos County
Coui-t House in Bryan.
will be played by Ben Ray Jackson.
His wife, Matilda Rockwood, is
played by Anne Rudder. Uncle
Walter is Joel Mills. Matt Rock
wood will be Larry Godfrey.
Loomis is portrayed by Brennar
Sayers and Carson is Jimmy Hol
Admission charge for the plays
is 50 cents for students and 75
cents for adults.
Consolidated will also act as
host school for the district one-act
play contests to be held April 14
in the new auditorium.
Five schools will enter plays in
the contest. Cypress Fairbanks,
Navasota, Schulenberg, Bellville
and Consolidated are scheduled to
enter plays.
Consolidated will present “The
Last Flight Over”, a play about
a farm family in danger of being
separated. Mother has died, and
the eldest boy, Dave, played by
David Delaney, is threatening to
leave home. He thinks his father,
played by Michael Gay, has worked
his mother to death and is very
The youngest brother Jenny, is
played by Ann Williamson. Matilde
will bfe played by Patricia Jackson.
Sary will be Mary Varvel.
More than 100 wives of campus
newcomers and new faculty mem
bers were guests at a coffee yes
terday morning given by Mrs.
Earl Rudder at her home.
The coffee is an annual affair
given by the Newcomers Club to
give wives of newcomers a chance
to get acquainted.
Receiving rooms were decorated
with bowls of early spring flow
ers carrying out a color scheme
of white, pink and maroon. Cen
tering the coffee table was an ar
rangement of maroon snap di’ag-
ons and pink carnations. 1
Special guests attending the cof
fee were the wives of three former
presidents of A&M, Mmes. T. O.
Walton Sr., Gibb Gilchrist and S.
C. Bolton. Three A&M System vice
presidents’ wives, Mmes. E. L.
Angell, J. B. Calhoun and R. E.
Patterson, were also among the
special guests.
Receiving the 100 guests were
Mrs. M. T. Harrington, Mrs. Rud
der, Mrs. J. E. Roberts and Mrs.
I. W. Rupel. Guests were regis
tered by Mmes. H. A. Lowe, A.
L. Von Rosenberg and B. J. Rob
erts. Hostesses were Mmes. J. M.
Breazell, B. A. Rogers, Richard E.
Wainerdi and E. L. Scott.
until the Soviets offer major
concessions toward the goal
of German unity.
Despite Macmillan’s words, some
suspicion persisted that the Brit
ish leader might try to press Ei
senhower too hard and too fast, in
the administration opinion, along
a path of meeting Soviet views.
Macmillan was viewed at put
ting more emphasis on the value
of summit talks with Russia’s
Premier Nikita Khrushchev than
Eisenhower thinks developments
Eisenhower expressed readiness
to attend such a top level parley
this summer—provided develop
ments justified a promise of suc
In advance of Macmillan’s ar
rival, officials stressed that Eisen
hower wanted some advance signs
of Soviet readiness to make con
cessions—not a crisis conference
full of pi'opaganda charges.
Macmillan, however, was under
stood to favor a summit meeting
even if foreign ministers failed to
ease East-West differences in ad
vance. A meeting under such cir
cumstances might be the only way
to avoid a shooting war over Ber
lin, British informants said.
MSC Film Society
Offers Equipment
The Memorial Student Center
Film Society is now making its
equipment available to any home
town club or organization on the
campus wanting to show movies at
their meetings.
David Plylar, chairman of the
Film Society Committee, said pro
jectors were available to handle
eight and sixteen millimeter films.
Plylar added that members of the
committee would be available to
operate the machines.
Arrangements for use of the
equipment should be made a week
in advance with Plylar.
Architects to Have
New Publication
The Architecture Plus, a sup
plement publication to The Engi
neer, will make its debut in May,
according to Brady Armstrong,
president of the Architecture Stu
dent Council.
Architecture Plus, to be publish-
the Division of Architecture, will
ed semi-annually by students in
have “transportation” as the
theme of its first edition. All ar
ticles will be written by profes
sional men from all over the na
Editor of the magazine is James
Bullock, senior from Terrell. Ed
ward J. Romieniec, associate pro
fessor in the Division of Architec
ture, is the faculty advisor.
Armstrong said that although it
is now a supplement of The En
gineer, they soon hope to make
Architecture Plus an independent