Weather Today Consoderable cloudiness through Thursday with slowly rising temperatures, with some occa sional rain possible tonight. * BATTALION Published Daily on the Texas A&M College Campus 7 Days Until Holidays Number 89: Volume 58 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1959 Price Five Cents Engineer Exams Set April 13-14 Engineer - in - training examina tions will be given in two sepai’ate four-hour sessions April 13-14. Any senior registered in the School of Engineering is eligible for the exam. This is the first year the exam ination has been given here. By taking this exam and passing it, the student is recognized as an engineer-in-training and after four years of working in his profession, he may take another exam to be recognized as a registered engi neer. But if the student does not wish to take the EIT exam, he must take one in every state he wishes to practice. Subject matter of the exam will consist of math, science, thermo dynamics, hydraulics and strength of materials. Help sessions are being conduct ed by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Also, tentative plans are being made to have a representative professor from each department of the School of En gineering lecture on the portion of the examination of which he is familiar. CiviliansHold Special Meet A special meeting of the Civilian Student Council was held yester day in the Brooks Room of the YMCA to study the progress be ing made on the Civilian Student CoUncil-sponsored Civilian Week end, scheduled for The Grove this Saturday. Attending the meeting also were Various dormitory presidents. Prescient of the Civilian Stu dent Council, Tommy Beckett, and members of the Weekend Commit tee answered various questions that had to do with the “Week end." A count was taken on the num ber of tickets sold for the Civilian Ball and Barbecue. Reports show ed that the tickets sales are run ning smoothly. Tickets for the barbecue are $1 for adults and 50 cents for children. They can be purchased until Thursday night. Dance tickets are $1.50 and can be purchased until the dance be gins, Saturday night at 9. Both ball and barbecue tickets can be purchased on the campus from var ious Civilian leaders and at the Student Activities Department, second floor, YMCA. —Battalion Staff Photo by Wayne Schmidt ‘Class of J 76 Reporting, Sir!’ Three of the generation in a century of with a stony gaze. Young Richards, the A&M are marked in this picture as Cloy son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Richards ’59, is Richards, Class of ’76, reports to P. L. mascot of the Fish Drill Team while his (Pinky) Downs, ’06, while Lawrence Sulli- father serves as the unit’s coach, van Ross, president of A&M in 1876, looks on $250 A&M Essay Award Has Received No Takers Ag Newman Club To Hear Speaker The Rev. Walter J. Buehler, president of St. Mary’s University in San Antonio will present a talk on “Catholic Leadership and Be coming A Good Religious Leader” to the A&M Newman Club Sunday. Father Buehler will talk to the club at its regular meeting after the 11 a.m. Sunday mass in the Catholic Student Center. Apparently, money can’t even be given away to Aggies. In the Feb. 24 Battalion, Ag gies were given a chance to air their views of Aggieland. By sub mitting a theme entitled “Texas A&M—What It Means to Me” to the Battalion office not later than April 1, some student now enroll ed could receive a $250 award if his essay was chosen as the best. At the present time, no essays have been submitted to The Bat talion. Two weeks remain before the contest will be closed. The award has been made avail able by C. L. Babcock, ’20, former editor of The Battalion and pres ently an insurance agent in Beau mont. Screening of the essays sub mitted will be done by he Bat talion staff and final judging will be done by a committee to be ap pointed by Vice President Earl Rudder. “I believe the papers prepared by students will contain construc tive and useful information for publication, especially in pamph- Two Ags Receive Lee Scholarships Two Aggies and a high school senior planning to enter the col lege next fall have been chosen to ceive $299 for one semester, and Bruno Ybarro, a senior pre-med student from Agua Duke, will re ceive 0299 for one semester, and Roger G. Darley, a freshman bi ology-physics major from San An tonio, will receive $150 per semes ter until he completes his under graduate work. The high school senior receiving the scholarship is Gary Simon, of Boys’ Ranch near Amarilla. He will receive $300 per semester for four years. Simon was hei’e last summer participating in the science enrich ment program for secondary school students. The Julia Ball Lee scholarship award was established by the late Dr. and Mrs. O. M. Ball in memory of their daughter, Julia Ball Lee. Ball was head of the Department of Biology from 1900 to 1937. let form,” said Babcock in an nouncing the award which bears his name. Babcock added that a collection of the better papers may be used to tell the story of A&M from the student standpoint to prospective Aggies in high schools of the Southwest. Certificates will be awarded the top 10 entries in the Babcock Award contest in addition to the single $250 cash prize. Judging criteria as set up by the donor are truthfulness, fair ness, good will building and its benefit. April 1 is the final deadline for entries in the contest. Entries should be prepared in regular man uscript form, double spaced, with an original and two carbon copies. The essays should be turned in to The Battalion office in Room 4 of the YMCA. Manuscripts should be no less than 250 nor more than I, 000 words in length. With exception of members of the Battalion staff, any full time student now enrolled is eligible to enter the contest. Doak Plans Trip To Washington Dr. C. C. Doak, head of the De partment of Biology will leave Sunday for Washington, D. C., to attend an orientation meeting Mon day for a directors of the 1959 Summer Science Training Pro grams for High Ability Secondary School Students. A&M has just received a grant of $10,910 from the National Sci ence Foundation in support of a Summer Science Training Pro gram. The program, in which 24 high school students will partici pate, is scheduled for June 8-July II. News of the World By The Associated Press Diplomats Applaud Ike’s Berlin Stand WASHINGTON—Western diplomats agreed Tuesday that President Eisenhower has taken a big step toward achieving Allied unity in the approaching Berlin showdown with the Soviet Union. They said his speech Monday night, endorsing a summer time summit conference if developments justify it, will ease the way for this week’s talks with British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. In fact, these diplomats said, it has virtually assured the success of Macmillan’s mission. The Prime Minister, with Foreign Minister Selwyn Lloyd, arrives in Washington Thurs day in what is generally regarded as an effort to achieve soli darity in the Western camp. Eisenhower’s radio-TV address to the nation apparently was a hit at home and abroad, drawing only a weak kind of sour note from the Kremlin. ★ ★ ★ German Peace Treaty Outlined LONDON—Western diplomats said Tuesday night the United States has drawn the outlines of a peace treaty with Germany for possible negotiation at a summit meeting. Its submission to the Soviet Union depends on approval by Britain, France and West Germany. The document almost certainly will be considered at President Eisenhower’s talks with British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan beginning in Washington Friday, and also at a later meeting of the U. S., British, French and West German foreign ministers, diplomats said. Scholarships Listed For ’59-60 School Year 4- A&M Receives $10,910 Grant A&M has received a $10,910 grant from the National Science Foundation for support of a sum mer science training program for high-ability secondary school stu dents. Twenty-four students who will have completed their sophomore or I junior year in high school will at tend the program which will be held from June 8 through July 11 under the direction of Dr. C. C. Doak, head of the Department of Biology. A similar program in biology has been conducted for the past two summers under the sponsorship of the Ford Foundation’s Fund for the Advancement of Education. In the past the high school stu dents paid their own expenses, in cluding meals and lodging, but this summer they will receive a food al lowance, travel expenses and will be housed in college dormitories. Doak stated that high school sophomores and juniors with out standing records and interests in biology and a desire to spend five weeks on the campus will be con sidered. Friday Last Day For Fee Payment Students have until Friday to pay their March installment fee of $61.40 without penalty. The installment may be paid in the Fiscal Office by 5 p. m. Friday. Only one more installment— $74.75—need be paid this semes ter after the March installment is paid. Gvilians Plan Leadership Meet The presidents of the civilian dormitories and members of the Civilian Student Council are mak ing plans to hold a leadership re treat for Civilian student leaders May 1-2, at Bastrop State Park, Dennis Ryan, chairman of the Leadership Retreat Committee, said yesterday. Purpose of the retreat is to dis cuss Civilian student government problems and ways to improve dormitory programs. Panel discussions and group dis cussions will discuss topics con cerning responsibilities of leader ship and other “leader training” subjects. Topics that have been suggest ed are “The Responsibilities of Leadership,” “Civilian-Corps Re lationships, and How to Bring the Two Bodies Closer,” “How Can We, as Civilian Leaders, Motivate Ci vilian Students to Take Pai't in Dormitory Council Projects,” “Why Doesn’t the Civilian Student Take Part in College Activities, and How Can We Encourage Him to Do So,” and “Financing Student Government.” All old and new dormitory pres idents and vice presidents, Civil ian Student councilmen, dormitory council members and invited guests may attend the retreat. The cost is approximately $5 per person and the dress is informal. Singing Cadets Set Trip to TWU The Singing Cadets will sing at the Texas Woman’s University Auditorium in Denton and at the Highland Park Junior High School in Dallas, March 20. W. M. (Pop) Turner, director and music coordinator of the ca dets, said that they will perform before large audiences of several thousand at both places. The cadets will leave by char tered bus from the Music Hall at 9 a. m. Friday. More than $10,000 i Offered to Students Scholarships totaling approximately $10,000 will be awarded within the next 30 days to qualified students for use during 1959-60, it was announced yesterday by the Facul ty Scholarships Committee. The scholarships, based on scholastic records, evidence of potential leadership and need of financial assistance, will range from $100 to $600. Applications may be obtained in the Registrar’s office and from the heads of departments and deans concerned. Applications must be submitted no later than April 1. Included among the awards to be made are the follow ing: 4. Ch.E. Senior Gets Columbia Assistantship Gerald W. Avery, a senior chem ical engineering major has receiv ed a graduate assistantship from Columbia University. The assistantship will cover tui tion and research fees and a $1,500 grant to cover living expenses for the 1959-60 academic year. He willl complete his work here in May and will enter Columbia next September. During the sum mer he will do unit operations re search with the Union Carbide Chemical Co., in Charleston, West Va. Avery is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Avery of Pans. He was the valedictorian of the 1955 graduating class at Paris High School. An outstanding student, Avery has just been elected to member ship in Phi Kappa Phi and Lambda Epsilon honor societies. He had previously been elected to Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honor soci ety, and Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor society. He is a member of the A&M student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and is a former secretary treasurer of the student chapter of the American Chemical Society. Four B&H Instrument Co. awards ($250 each) for sopho mores or juniors in electrical or mechanical engineering; two Black-Brollier scholar ships ($500) each for sophomores or juniors in architecture or civil engineering; the Cabot Carbon Co. scholarship ($400) for a sophomore in civil or mechanical engineering; Fort Worth A&M Mothers Club award ($200) for a sophomore, junior, or senior from Tarrant County; two Monsanto Chemical Co. scholarships ($500) each for sophomores in chemistry, chemi cal engineering, geology, mechani cal engineering or petroleum engi neering; two Mosher Steel Co. scholarships ($600 each) for soph omores in civil engineering or ar chitectural construction; two Trane Co. scholarships ($300 each) for sophomores or juniors in mechani cal, chemical or industrial engi neering; U. S. Daughters of 1812 award ($200) for a sophomore ROTC student in the School of Arts and Sciences; Western Elec tric Co. scholarship ($400) for a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior in electrical, mechanical or industrial engineering or physics; and the J. E. Duff scholarship ($250) for a senior student who has earned all or a substantial part of his college expenses. Guide Posts There are no crown-bearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below—C. H. Spurgeon Miss Carol Beasiey was the Oklahoma State University representative in the eighth annual Intercollegiate Talent Show Friday night. The Kilgore Junior College Ranger- ettes and 10 acts performed in the show.