The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 13, 1959, Image 1

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    Combat Cutie To Be Chosen Tonight
Boss Cavalry Paddlefeet
Barbara Smith
. . by David Steel
Paula Hudson
. . . by Jimmy Hudson
Pat Kramer
... by Ken Curry
One of these comely lasses
which represent the six combat
arms units in the Army JtOTC
will be crowned Combat Cutie
tonight at the second intermis
sion of the 1959 version of the
Combat Ball. The lucky girl chos
en will receive a steel helmet shot
full of holes, inscribed with her
Advertised as the “bloodiest”
dance ever to be held in Sbisa,
the hall is restricted to combat
arms units—Jocks, Buzzard Bus
ters, Paddlefeet, Bridge Builders,
Wig- Wags and The Big Guns—
plus all senior Flyhoys. The in
formal affair will .'feature music
by Leo Baxter and his Rock n’
Roll Band—a “real swingin’
bunch”, according to Jay Bisbey
co-chairman of the event.
The Big Guns Bird-Busters Road Gang
Cynthia Ellerbeck
. . by Jarrell Gibbs
Wanna Reese
by Max Woodard
Sandra Mcllroy
by Calvin Brummett
An Editorial
Howdy—and Welcome
Howdy—and welcome to Texas A&M.
The men of Aggieland are mighty proud of this college
and it’s a pleasure to welcome visitors here for Spring Mili
tary Day activities.
Perhaps all you’ve heard or read recently is about the
problems A&M is having—maybe you are a little concerned
with the future of this college.
Frankly, the students and staff are very much con
cerned with the future and are taking steps to insure it will
be bright in College Station.
But be on guard not to characterize A&M only as a
“problem” school. Ours is a growing school and as such it
will have growing pains.
Our welcome is two-fold. Welcome not only to the cam-
pue but to the ever-increasing circle of friends of the college.
With your support we are sure that soon Texas A&M
will regain its place among education institutions: best of
its kind—anywhere.
Published Daily on the Texas A&M College Campus
Number 87: Volume 58
Price Five Cents
ITS Starts Full Weekend
Of Spring Military Affairs
Services Held
For Paulson
Funeral services were held yes
terday in the First Methodist
Church in Bryan for Dr. Walter
E. Paulson, former marketing re
search specialist here for 30 years,
who died Wednesday in a Temple
hospital. He was 69 years old.
All six flags on the campus wei-e
flown at half-mast yesterday in
respect for the death of the for
mer faculty member.
Paulson was born on a dairy
farm in southern Wisconsin Feb.
19, 1890. He graduated from
Platteville State Normal and held
a Ph. B. and Ph. D. degrees from
the University of Wisconsin in ag
ricultural economics. Before com
ing to A&M, he taught several
years at Purdue University and for
one year in the Panama Canal
He came to A&M in 1928, and his
research work dealing with farm
cooperatives brough him state and
national recognition.
He was a member of the First
Methodist Church of Bryan, the
College Station Lions Club, the
American Farm Economics Asso
ciation and the Southwestern Soc
ial Science Association. He has
written 38 publications dealing
with his specialty in research.
He is survived by his wife and
two sons, Howard of Bryan, and
Karl of College Station.
Civilians Discuss
Nearing ‘Weekend’
Battalion News Editor
The Civilian student’s one big
chance to flee from his books and
click his heels is quickly approach
ing in the form of the annual
Civilian Weekend, March 21.
Civilian Weekend, scheduled to
provide an abundance of fun for
everyone, was the main topic of
discussion at the Civilian Student
Council meeting last night in the
Assembly Room of the Memorial
Student Center.
With the “Weekend” only a week
away, each Councilman is striving
hard to push the event. All is mov
ing smoothly except the sale of
tickets, it was reported at the
meeting last night. A. M. Hoff-
pauler, day student representative,
urged the various members to work
hard with their dormitory presi
dents towards selling tickets and
making the “Weekend” a success.
“Last year we had some Council-
men \vho loafed, and didn’t take
interest in the Civilian Weekend.
The work was, therefore, left in
the hands of just a few of us. I
don’t believe this will happen this
year, because I think all of us know
what the success of Civilian Week
end means to us,” he said.
The main attraction at the event
is the dance band from Prairie
View A&M, the Prairie View Col
legians. They will blast out the
music for the civilians and their
dates in The Grove the night of
March 21 from 9-12 p. m.
Also here to entertain from
Prairie View, will be the Dreamers,
considered an outstanding male
quartet. The dance will be semi-
formal and in case of bad weather
will be held in Sbisa Dining Hall.
Activity will actually begin Fri
day afternoon with dormitory ham
burger fries and other dorm func
tions. Later that .night there will
be dancing at Cafe Rue Pinalle.
Saturday there will be the annual
barbecue with entertainment begin
ning at 4 p. m. Six members of
the Prairie View dance band will
be on bond to provide music for
the dinner, The Silvertones, an Ag
gie trio, will also entertain. Miss
Millie Rowland, ’59 Aggie Sweet
heart, will be at the barbecue
along with Civilian Sweetheart
One-half of a barbecued chicken
will be served along with potato
salad, beans, pickles and onions. A
cold drink will be served in six
ounce cups at the barbecue.
Rangerettes Perform Here Tonight
he Kilgore Rangerettes due here this after- male group will perform for the audience
noon, go through one of their rountines of the Intercollegiate Talent Show tonight
which have made them famous. The fe- in G. Rollie White Coliseum,
Fuller Rites
Held Today
In Bryan
Funeral services were held tl
afternoon in the First Methodi
Church in Bryan for Dr. Freeman
M. Fuller Jr., 34, who died at his
home in Bryan yesterday follow
ing a lengthy illness. Fuller was
extension entomologist for the
Texas Agricultural Extension Ser
Fuller had been with the Ex
tension Service since 1953, taking
his position after obtaining his
Ph.D from A&M that same year.
He received a B. S. and M. S.
degree from Alabama Polytechnic
at Auburn, Ala.
He served in the Army during
World War II, seeing action in
Prior to coming to A&M in 1951,
Fuller was employed at Adair In
sect Control, Montgomery, Ala.
He was a member of the Board
of Stewarts of the First Methodist
Church in Bryan, the American
Entomological Society, a 32nd De
gree Mason and a member of the
Knights Templar.
Fuller was the author of several
entomological phamplets and was
recognized as an outstanding man
in his field, according to John E.
Hutchinson, director of the Ag
ricultural Extension Service.
He is survived by his wife, Ma
rie; an infant daughter, Cynthia;
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Fuller Sr. of Suttle Ala; and a
brother, Tom Fuller of Greenville,
S. C.
Burial will be in Selma, Ala.
Pet E. Parking
Limited Saturday
Part of the Day Student park
ing lot behind the Petroleum En
gineering Building will be fenced
off Saturday, according to Fred
Hickman, chief of Campus Secur
This area will be used for stor
age of building materials and con-
struction of the new Petroleum En
gineering Building. The area will
cover about 130 parking spaces.
It will be necessary for some
students to park their cars in
other day student lots, he said.
“Locations are not as convenient,
there is plenty of room in the
other lots,” Hickman said.
Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer
Lt. Gen. Guy S. Meloy Jr.
Maj. Gen. L. S. Griffing
Miss Millie Rowland
\ Activities Include
Review, Dances
Battalion Staff Writer
For two days and two nights the Corps of Cadets dom
inates the A&M scene with review, talent show and dances
galore to round out a full weekend of activities for Spring
Military Day.
The Intercollegiate Talent Show, Combat Ball and an
all-night Cafe Rue Pinalle hold promise of a big night’s ac
tivities for students Friday.
The ITS show, scheduled to begin at 6:30 p. m. will
feature Joel A. Spivak, KILT disc jockey, as master of cere
monies, and the Kilgore Rangerettes as special attraction.
TEN ACTS from 15 campuses will provide entertainment.
Prices for the show are 75 cent advance and $1 at the
door. Tickets can be obtained through group and battalion
commanders. ,
Fatigues Uniform of Day
Cadets attending, the Combat Ball will be permitted to
wear fatigues to ITS. They will be the uniform of the day
after retreat, according to Col. Joe E. Davis commandent.
Following the ITS show, the Combat Ball and Cafe Rue
Pinalle will begin simultaneously, the Combat Ball in Sibsa
Mess Hall and Rue Pinalle in the newly excavated basement
of the Memorial Student Center.
Entertainment for Rue Pinalle will be selected from top
acts of ITS, and will include Bob Flowers of Arkansas, Carol
Beasley of Oklahoma State, Joyce Tallman of Texas Tech and
the Hi-Phi’s of Southern Methodist University. Curt
Schwartz and Larry Bledsoe, University of Oklahoma stu
dents, will be masters of ceremonies. The Jokers from Louis
iana State University will furnish dance music for the all-
night affair. A breakfast snack will be served early Satur
day morning.
Dance Starts at 9
The annual Combat Ball will be held in Sbisa Hall from
9 a. m. to 1 a. m. for cadets in Combat Arms, Corps seniors
and their guests. The Combat Cutie will be selected from
six finalists.
Entertainment will be furnished by the Leo Baxter
Rock ’n Roll Band of Houston.
Uniform for cadets will be fatigues. Tickets can be ob
tained from the Student Activities Office in the YMCA for
75 cents.
General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, Vice Chief of Staff of the
U. S. Army, will take the salute from the Corps of Cadets
as they pass in review at 1:30 Saturday afternoon.
Gen. Lemnitzer was graduated from the U. S. Military
Academy in 1920 and served until World War II in the U. S.
and Philippines. During the war he served in England, Tu
nisia, Sicily, and in the secret submarine landing in North 1
Africa for pre-invasion discussions with the French. He
was Deputy Chief of Staff for the 15th Army Group while
armistice discussions leading to Italy’s surrender frere taking
His highest command before becoming Vice Chief of
Staff was Commander-in-Chief, Far East and United Nations
Commands and governor of the Ryukyu Islands.
He will dine with the corps commander and his staff at
noon, along with other distinguished guests.
Military Ball Climax
Climax of the weekend is the Military Ball, beginning in
Sbisa at 9 p. m. Music for the dance will be by Jan Garber’is
13 piece orchestra.
The Ross Volunteers will serve as ushers for the guests
and the Fish Drill Team will act as the honor guard for the
(See ITS OPENS, Page 4)