The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 19, 1951, Image 1

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    l -
Official Paper
Of Texas A&M College
And College .Station
Published by The Students
Of Texas A&M
For 73 Years
Number 25: Volume 52
Price Five Cents
Petroleum Heads
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The Petroleum Society elected officers for the
1951-52 school year at a meeting recently. These
officers are: left to right, Julian Herring, pres
ident; A W. Thompson and Joe Johnson.
Shivers Calls Loyal
Dems 4 Trumancrats’
Austin, Oct. 19—(A 3 )—Gov. Al
lan Shivers today tagged the loyal
Democrats of Texas with a new
He was asked at a press con
ference for comment on the group’s
latest action, appointment of Aus
tin Attorney Fagan Dickson as
executive director.
“Oh, you mean the Truman-
rrats,” the governor countered.
“I’m going to forget about them
t.nd I think everybody else will.”
The governor said any group has
» right tcf meet and try to call
themselves anything they want to.
“But here you have a group
that organized itself outside the
party and is doing the same thing
it criticizes other people for do
ing. I believe in settling these
things inside the party,” he said.
Appointed by Walter G. Hall,
Dickinson, chairman of the group,
Dickson said his chief objective
would be to make sure Texas sends
an instructed delegation to next
year’s Democratic National Con
Shivers has said several times
he favors an uninstructed dele
gation, which he believes would
Harris Paces
;ing Team
To Ninth Place
Paced by Tom Harris, high
point man for the entire con
test, the A&M Judging Team
placed ninth in the American
Royal Livestock Judging con
test held in Kansas City, Kan. on
Oct. 13.
There were 18 other collegiate
judging teams represented at the
contest which judged sheep, cat
tle, swine and horses.
Members of the winning team
were Harris, San Angelo; Louis
Amsler, Brownsville; Kelly Ander
son, Pampa; Harold Bragg, Talco;
and John Fuller, Mason. The two
alternates who accompanied the
team were Morris Nanny Horn
Rochester and Max Word from
The team won the swine judg
ing event and were awarded a gold
trophy by the Hampshire Swine
Breeders of America.
The judgers placed eighth in the
cattle event and Anderson placed
fifth in this contest. Amsler came
in eighth in this event and Ander
son scored an eighth place victory
in the sheep contest.
In the American Royal Meat
Judging contest, the team of James
Teutsch, Max Word, Tom Harris,
and alternate Morris Nanny team
ed up to place fourth in the en
tire contest. They came in behind
Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Illinois
in that order.
Individual awards for the con
test included Tom Harris tying
for first place in the lamb grad
ing and Max Word ranking sixth
highest in the group. The whole
team placed second in the beef
cattle judging contest.
have more political bargaining
power. He is opposed to the nom
ination of President Truman for
Dickson, a former first assistant
attorney general and unsuccessful
candidate for the state supreme
court last year, said Hall and
other leaders of the group which
met last week as “volunteer Demo
crats” had adopted the title of
“loyal Democrats. - ”
He said the loyal Democrats
would try to prevent “the shame
ful experience of the people of
Texas having to repudiate their
delegates to the national conven
“There are a few people in Tex
as who no longer believe in the
principles of the Democratic pai - -
ty, but who, for one reason or an
other, do not want to be called
Republicans,” he continued. “This
group has no prospect of winning
a national election.”
“They are in league with the
Republicans in that they hope to
divide the Democrats and there
by make it possible for the Re
publicans to win. It is the objec
tive of the loyal Democrats to
prevent these saboteurs from cap
turing the party machinery.”
He declined to identify what
persons he believed in league with
the Republicans.
2 Exes Attend
Two A&M graduates are cur
rently attending the Armed Forces
Information School at Fort Slocum,
N. Y.
First Lt. Lawrence C. Goodwyn,
USA, majored in English and re
ceived his B. A. in 1949. While at
A&M he was editor of Commenta
tor. Now stationed at Fort Sam
Houston, ■where he is Public Infor
mation Officer, he- is enrolled in
the Public Information course at
this all-service school.
Second Lt. George V. Charlton,
USAF, majored in journalism and
received his B. A. in 1951. A mem
ber of the Arts and Sciences Coun
cil and co-editor of Commentator,
Lt. Charlton was selected for Who’s
Who while at A&M. He is now per
manently assigned to the Public In
formation Office at Kelly Air
Force Base, and is also enrolled in
the Public Information course at
this school.
Aggies Invade Fort Worth
For Their First SWC Tilt
Big Naval Guns Back British
Claim To Suez Canal Region
Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 19——Big
Naval guns backed up Britain’s
Tommies in the strife-ridden Suez
sector today as the British tight
ened their hold on the disputed,
strategic canal.
A British cruiser, apparently
H.M.S. Gambia, anchored last
night off Port Said, at the north
ern end of the canal. Other sea
forces were expected shortly from
the Persian Gulf, and a contingent
of 1,000 parachute troops was
alerted at Trieste for a move to the
Both British and Egyptian for
ces were digging in along the wat
erway. f*
The pro - government Egyptian
newspaper A1 Misri reported Brit-
i s h troops before dawn today
forced Egyptians from a railway
bridge three miles west of the can
al at Nefisha and took control of
the bridge. The report said the
British stopped a train, searched
it and arrested eight Egyptian pas
British sources had no immediate
comment on the report.
The British already held the El
Ferdan bridge, which straddles the
canal itself about midway between
Port Said and Ismailia. Two
Egyptian soldiers were killed in
the fight there Wednesday, the
first clash between British and
Egyptian troops.
Both British and Egyptian troops
dug in along the highway linking
Cairo and the canal, setting up, Egyptians said the British had
gun emplacements in their respect
ive sectors. British Tommies were
posted in fox holes along a ridge
near the waterway.
British Still Control
A British spokesman said the
Britons still held the El Ferdan
bridge late yesterday and he daubt-
ed the Egyptians would get it back
under present circumstances. The
British said they also still control
led Ismailia, where the first riot
ing broke out Tuesday. The
A&S Faculty Holds
Meet Tuesday Nile
The School of Arts and Sciences
will hold its regular fall faculty
meeting Tuesday night in the Bio
logical Sciences Lecture Room. The
meeting will begin at 7:30.
Three talks will be given, new
faculty members will be intro
duced, and a subcommittee of the
advisory committee will make a
Howard Berry will discuss the
wdrk of the Photographic and Vis
ual Aids Laboratory and F. W.
Hensel will explain the Placement
Office. A talk on the work of the
College Information Office will
be given by Bishop Clements.
Congress Passes Bill
Lowering Tax Boost
Washington, Oct. 19—(A 3 )—A
new compromise tax bill, making
the income tax boost just a little
less, was passed quickly by the
Senate yesterday.
A voice vote in the Senate sent
the modified revenue measure back
to the House and vote there today.
The House voted, 203-157, Tues
day against the bill in its original
Prof Gone, Students Walk,
PhDs In, Class Gone-Squawk
Nomination Of
Jessup Voted
Down in Senate
Washington, Oct. 9—(AP)
—President Truman’s nomin
ation of Ambassador-at-large
Philip C. Jessup as a delegate
to the United Nations was
voted down by a Senate Foreign
' Relations subcommittee yesterday,
3 to 2.
In the Senate, Republicans
quickly demanded the issue be set
tled once and for all by a floor
The GOP demand apparently
stemmed from fears that if the
Senate itself does not act before
Congress adjourns, President Tru
man might give Jessup a recess ap
Sen. Ferguson (R-Mich), Brick-
er (R-Ohio) and H. Alexander
Smith (R-NJ) called for a show
down before Congress quits.
Sen. McCarran (D-Nev.) join
ing in the Republican demand, told
his colleagues:
“The (Jessup) nomination
should be brought before the Sen
ate for a decisive vote—negative
McCarran is chairman of a Sen
ate Internal Security subcommittee
which has been investigating al
leged subversive influences on U.
S. policy toward the F^ar East.
Sen. Lehman (D-Lib-NY) prais
ed Jessup as being “qualified by
character, by experience, by train
ing, by high morality and by loy
alty” to represent this country
in the U. N. Assembly.
“I don’t believe the case against
Dr. Jessup was proven to any de
gree,” Lehman said.
The days of “walks” for stu
dents in the animal husbandry de
partment are long-done, that is, if
the principle of professors having
the last word stands up.
After 35 students, expecting to
spend a long afternoon listening
to lecture, entered an Animal Hus
bandry 409 lab Wednesday after
noon, excitement arid smiles began
to break out over the room when
no professor appeared and the
“allotted” 10 minutes ticked away.
More excitement developed when
one student reminded the class
there had been no animal husban
dry lab the day before because the
professor, F. I. Dahlberg, was
away on a tour to Dallas.
Thinking there would be a re
peat performance of having no lab
for the afternoon, the students
eagerly left the room with smiles
on their faces because of the
A&S Council Meet
In MSC Monday
This year’s first meeting of the
Arts and Sciences Council will be
highlighted by election of officers
and discussion of possible pro
The meeting will be at 7:30
Monday night in the Senate Cham
ber of the MSC.
Officers to be elected are presi
dent, vice-president, and secretary-
Departmental clubs within the
School of Arts and Sciences will
elect junior representatives to the
council, said Dr. J. P. Abbott, dean
of the school.
After the last student left the
room, a turn in the events occur
red. Not just one professor arrived
to take the place of the absent
Dahlberg, but four PhD’s appeared
on the scene, including Dr. J. C.
Miller, head of department.
Amid bitter protests over the
student’s actions by Dr. Miller,
Dr. W. G. Kommlode Jr., Dr. G.
L. Robertson, and Dr, H. O. Kun-
kel, one student entered the room
late not knowing of the “walk.”
“It is the first time I have ever
seen four instructors in the class
room with only one student at
tending class,” one of the unhap
py PhD’s said.
With the professors having the
last word, the anxious “walkers”
were given an “F” for their daily
lab grade and class was dismissed
for the one late comer, who actual
ly had the last laugh with a clear
attendance record, no class to at
tend, and no charge of being tardy
to class.
The new bill is estimated to
raise $5,691,000,000 in new taxes,
compared with the estimated $5,-
732,000,000 in the previous one. In
more essentials, however, the two
measures are the same despite the
$41,000,000,000 money difference.
If the House should pass the bill
today, Congress probably could ad
journ Saturday until January. If
it turned it down again, there is a
possibility of further delay or a
special session.
The new compromise was whip
ped together in two hours today
by Senate-House conferees and the
Senate O. K. followed swiftly.
The changes voted today by the
• There would be an increase of
11 per cent, instead of Yl x k per
cent, in the tax on the first $2,000
of sur tax net income. It would
affect all income brackets.
• The maximum effective tax
on long term capital gains, by
both individuals and corporations,
would be increased from the exist
ing 25 per cent to 26 per cent. Es
timated revenue gain: $28,000,000.
• July 1, 1951, instead of Jan.
1, 1952, would be the effective
date for a cut back in the excess
profits credit from 85 to 83 per
cent. The effect would be to make
the credit 84 per cent, rather than
85, for the calendar year 1951.
Estimated gain: $60,000,000, but
for one year only.
• There would be a 10 per cent
manufacturers tax on electric gar
bage disposal units. Estimated
gain: $2,000,000.
withdrawn, leaving Egyptian po
lice in control.
A total of 12 Egyptians report
edly were killed and scores injured
in the rioting which broke out
along the canal after Egypt on
Monday denounced her 1936 treaty
allowing the British to garrison
the Suez area. Britain retorted
she would not accept the one-sided
Officials of the French-British
controlled Suez Canal Company re
ported last night that traffic
through the great ocean short cut
had not been disturbed by the An-
glo-Egyptian dispute.
Local officials of the company
said the “normal number” of ships
—about 1,100 a month—were con
tinuing to pass through the 104-
mile waterway linking the Red Sea
and the Mediterranean.
It was learned yesterday that
British military families have been
evacuated from Suez and Port Said
and moved to nearby military
camps. Informants said they were
pulled out because military per
sonnel have no Egyptian residence
permits and live here under the
terms of the 1936 treaty.
General Sir Brian Robertson,
commander in chief of British land
forces in the Middle East, was fly
ing back from London with orders
to resist Egyptian ouster attempts.
Two more incidents were report
ed yesterday.
A British Army spokesman said
a British supply truck was fired
(See SUEZ CANAL, Page 2)
Civil War
Vet Called
San Antonio, Oct. 19—(A 3 )—An
old man who was picked off the
sidewalk and taken to a hospital
left today under his own power af
ter being exposed as a long-time
medical faker.
A policeman found him outside a
bus station yesterday and brought
him to Robert E. Green hospital.
There the old fellow said he was
104, owned a ranch near Boise,
Idaho, had been a drummer boy in
the Civil Wat and was looking for
a great grandson.
He gave his name as John Lar
The Veterans Administration de
cided his story about heart trouble
had a familiar ring. Records dis
closed no John Larson but did
Walter Engle Urwiler, a mere 69
with two peacetime enlistments
and two desertions.
GAR records revealed Urwiler
bad been pulling similar tricks on
dozens. of hospitals in Western
Confronted with this record, the
old man’s heart stopped missing
beats. He promptly got up, dress
ed and discharged himself from the
“There’s been too much newspa
per publicity,” he told nurse Ellen
He has the rare ability to con
trol his phrenic nerve and make
his daphragm flutter. This along
with loud complaints of chest paing
helps him fool doctors.
^ j
Smith, Tidwell
Ready for Tilt
Battalion Sports News Editor
Tomorrow the Aggies will travel to Fort Worth to defend
their unbeaten record in their first conference clash ox the
season, considered by many as “the year” for the Cadets.
A “full house” of some 34,000 fans will be present to
witness this annual grid classic in the Frog’s Amon Carter
Stadium, kick-off time being slated for 2 p. m.
The Frogs by virtue of their 17-7 win over Arkansas
are leading the SWC with a 10- record.
■ Last year TCU was thumped off this kingly perch by
the power running of Bruisin’ Bob Smith, the shifty hips of
Blastin’ Bill Tidwell, the elusiveness of Gallopin’ Glenn Lipp-
man, and the passing combination of Dick Gardemal to Andy
Hillhouse that changed a Frog dominated first half to a
free-scoring Aggie conquest, 42-23.
This year the same combination, except for Hillhouse,
is expected to dominate the power
ful offense punch.
Gallopin’ Glenn holds the honor
of being the leading ball carrier
of the four-week old season. He has
handled the ball 41 times for a
total net gain of 254 yards and
6.2 average per try.
Lippman also stands high in the
leading scorer’s department with
three touchdowns.
Coach Ray George is hoping that
his right hallfback Billy Tidwell
will be ready to start. Tidwell
missed both the Texas Tech and
Trinity battles but is expected to
see plenty of action against the
Smith is Due
All-American Bob Smith also
missed action in the Trinity clash.
Bruisin’ Bob, who has shown only
spots of his famous ground gain
ing talents, should he due to break
The already famous “double-
header” of Dick Gardemal and Ray
Graves will combine efforts to
furnish the Cadets with a quar
All season these two boys have
been alternating in the key spot to
keep the Aggie grid machine on
the roll.
The Cadet offensive lineup will
look just about the same as in
previous encounters.
Probable Starting Aggies
Eric Miller, sophomore and only
new addition, and veteran Chaflie
Hodge will hold down the end
Sam Moses and Jack Little, 'AP
Defensive Lineman of the Week af
ter the OU game, handle the A&M
tackle slots, while co-captain Hhgh
Meyer mans the center positioh.
Elo Nohavitza and W. T. Rush
will continue to be the leading
guards on the Cadet offensive
The major change in the defense
backfield will be the replacement
of Augie Saxe, who broke his arm
in the Trinity game.
Bill Ballard, sophomore back
from Wylie, has been named by
Head Coach Ray George to start
the vacated right halfback posi
No. t Defensive Back
Yale Lary, A&M’s No. 1 defen
sive back, will be ready and rar
ing to go as usual. Lary has turn
ed in outstanding performances
every week.
Aside from being the leading
punt returner in the SWC, he is
also one of the top kickers with
a 37.9 averages. TCU backs will
really have to hustle to shake
away from Lary.
Charlie McDonald, who is one
of the most furous tacklers in the
conference rounds out and com
pletes the defensive efforts.
A&M favors a “semi-platoon”
system because of the lack of
depth, at least half of tomorrow’s
starting offensive men will see ac
tion on the defensive team.
(See “ORTHODOX”, Page 3)
Highlights ME
Meeting Here
Mechanical engineers from
all over Texas converged on
A&M Thursday for the
monthly meeting of the South
Texas Section of the Ameri
can Society of Mechanical En
Following a banquet Thursday
night, outstanding personalities in
various phases of mechanical en
gineering • conducted informal for
ums in the . Assembly Hall.
Prof. H.-G. Rylander of the Uni
versity of Texas led a discussion
on the effects of solid inclusions
in the oil supply to sleeve bearings.
Also, R. C. Brooks, Cameron Iron
Works of Houston, spoke on the
mechanical development of the
“Cameron Lift-Plug Valve.”
Other Phases
Other phases of the program in
cluded talks by Bert N. Haas, as
sistant engineering manager of
the Texas Division of the Dow
Chemical Co. and Charles F. Lewis,
metallurgical engineer of Cook
Heat Treating Co. of Houston.
Haas spoke on a “View of Pro
cess Industries’ Problems,” while
Lewis discussed “Hardenability, a
Basic Tool.”
Registration opened Thursday
afternoon at 4:30. Student mem
bers of the association then con
ducted the visitors on a tour of
A&M’s engineering facilities.
Honored Guest
Honored guests at the banquet
were Dr. M. T. Harrington, presi
dent of the college; Dr. Howard
W. Barlow, dean of the School of
Engineering; Dr. A. W. Melloh,
vice director of the Texas Engin
eering Experiment Station and Dr.
A, A. Jakkula, director of the
A&M Research Foundation.
All discussions at the Thursday
night forum were conducted by
Lloyd G. Berryman of the mechan
ical engineering department. Spec
ial guests at these meetings were
10 ME students from Rice, TU,
and A&M.
* !
4-H Club Members Will
Hold Barbecue Oct. 26
All returning 4-H Club mem
bers at A&M who worked at the
Texas 4-H Round Up in June will
be honored with a barbecue Oct.
26 at 6 p. m. The dinner will be
held at the home of A. H. Karcher,
- > \
. ' ' T H i
• : Y
An artist drawing of the new Engineer’s Library Building shows
the modern lines of the building. At the last meeting, the Board
of Directors approved the plans.
AF Gives Seniors
Physical Exams
For the past two days senior
Air Force Administration stu
dents have been undergoing phy
sical examinations at Bryan Air
Force Base.
Approximately 75 men were ex
amined Thursday and the remaind
er were Examined today according
to Lt. Col. Dale Honeycutt, air
science instructor.
Members of the football team
who left for Ft. Worth this morn
ing and students who work or
have Friday afternoon classes were
allowed to take their examination