The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 22, 1948, Image 4

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    William H. Kiel,
j&rinpfa Wfildlife mjimagament,pep-
sent<ki A&M at the thirteenth
eriean ^ r ildliie Confer-!
St. Lou sj Mjssouri last
orth American Wildlife
mferphce. is atteidediby reipre-
ntatives fi-om the 48 states, Cah-
, anti Mexico, add is bne of the
lost outstanding' meetings of its
nd. jW. iB. Davis, head > of the de-
rtmoht of wildlile management,
• , in
>* ’
rpose of the conference,
ording to Davi:,: is to - coordi-
ans ,j Unify the efforts of the
il i; organizat ohs .i interested
ahd participating i a | thd consOrva-
ir basic natural! resources,
dudii&i soils, wat ers, forests,; and
1 ri| 1
Accompanying Kiel to; St.
are William L. \7ehb and
elds, graduate students in \jrilc
e management; I James Russell
elding, Jr., a junior majoring in
Idlifejmanageineht and Dr. W. B.
^vis^ Davis has t>artic|ipatedi ac
tively in formulating a coordinated
plan of teaching and research tjo be
-Ji engagt^l in by the 18 Coopersitive
Wildlifi Units, onU of which is lo
cated at A&M.
i | (Cpntinuedi from Pagp 1);
stjon af 5 the cattle apd bams are
moved '.across the railroad trades.
Costing an; estimated. $30,00(1 to
$50,000,;'the approximate 150 neves
will include a golf course, p trie
typ« vyuKhintt m«
pf. Four month* oM.
Ho with ifhoRtrobi i
mojvinft.! l‘hon*
auhor Si
do it sMl.n'^HHatlvfUy 1 now wire ! lYcnrHof
tii fiucolWnt contU^on — |13.'i.e<l. art
Njjehtft Dorm
hu: rhilj'.c memoirf ,
liril. Stuilont anil
per jroaifj John ■
cy. Boo*
MIDNIGHT YELL PRAI'TICE showing A&M in aU its pomp and glory was held Friday night
to open Sports Day on the campus. Attending the yell practices on the steps of Goodwin Hall were
Junior Prom guests and high school leaders from throughout Texas. ■
or are pliValcaUy Unable to
the polls qn the date of the
Municipal election, '
Manied; veterans
here six months
vote in Wjafd 3-.
^ Absentee ballots
ed at the <3ity! Hall,
secured by writing t
letary, City of (college SUt
grounds] and physical education
equionient. '
'Exchange • Store profits will •
used to place the area into use.
i i iThq next meeting of the bojard
yirill be held at College Staljibn
On Mfty 9*10, at which time a ,
trip to Prairie View will be ta|<en
by the directors.
Gifts Acknowledged
:Tpree funds for scholarships in*
cpived official acceptance: | the
Mary james Bbms apd Walkjr T.
Bums,! Jr; Fuiid; the Michel T.
Halbputy Scholarship in geoljogy',
qddjthe Jessie H,: Jones Scholarships
! honoring Generals Dwight Dj Ei ;
setihoweri and George S. Patton, Jrl
The ;Beaumoht A&M Club cpter-
;e officials, and their wives with
a- luncheon Saturday noon. Mayor
O|ho Plummer of Beaijinont was
firincijuil speaker* C. C. Krueger,
board .member from Sap Antjonio,
spoke bn behalf ojf A&M.
' *' np
career pn the Natural Gas
i ivfence
If you desire
businjess, ar\d ...p* ...—j ™
.i pandilng ' orga lizatiqi|4u shoiild investigate im
mediately the ^ ‘ 1 ■ L, ^ r,x “
i Gas Company
ith a rapidly ex-
trfferefl. by the Lone Star
(Continued froiq Pagd 1)
■ : illlfcl ■
the ace Aggie low hurdler, won
the event with Don hecond, Ken
Boren of Texas third ind Bill
Bill Napier and Warren I \yilson,
picked up 4 points fbr thh Aggies
in tlm 220 yard dash] Napier was
second and Wilson was fourth.
The Aggies grabbed 6-;] points
in the pole vault when Ricks and
Johnny Davis tied with Walters of
Texas for first place.
Tha-Aggie s P r *nt rela; team
composed of Napier, Hall Goode
and Webb Jay took second in the
4-to yard reiay. Jay ah o took
third in the special 100 meter
race, l • to; |j . |
For the freshmen, Robert Smith
frdm Houston made 10 piiiits by
winning the Shot Put imp the
Javelin throw*.
Two other victories for the Ag
gie Fish came when Don Mitchell
won the 440 yard dash anjd Julian
Herring- won the mile run].
Although some fast timos were
recorded many of the tijacksters
^ ^ t m ^ t ^ complained of the slownfia? of the
ned member i of the board, col- j^**^ due/to the loose dirj; on the
Charley Parker of Texas set a
netv record of 9.5 seconds] in win-
nipg the 100 yard dash. Parker
also won the 220 with a tune of
21-2. | >( ] ( • • ] |
University Division: i, |
3, Bilderback, Texas A&M; 4, Kidd
Texas. Time} 49.1.
220 yard dash: 1, Parker; 2, Na
pier, Texas A&M; 3, Reynolds,
Texas Tech; 4, Wilson, Texas A&M.
Time 21.2.
880-yard run: 1, Atkins, Texas
A&M; 2, Thompson, Texas; 3,
SDto'ki?. Texas; 4, Stone, Texas
A&M. Time 2:02.0.
220 yard loytr hurdles: 1, Hall,
Texas A&M.... 2, D. Cardon, Texas
A&M; 3, Boren. Texas; 4, W. Car
don, Texas A&M. Time 24.0.
Broad Jump: 1, Robertson, Tex
as; 2, Goode, Texas A&M; 3. Cole
man, Texas A&M; 4, Hill, Texas
A&M; Distance 21 feet 6 inches. !l
Pole Vault: Tied for first- Ricks,
Texas A&M, Davis, Texas A&M;
andii Walters, Texas; 4, Lindsey/
TCU. Height 12 feet.
Discuss Throw: 1. Kadera, Texas
A&M; 2, Adair, SMU; 3, Baker,
Arkansas; 4, Miller, Oklahoma A
&M, Distance 160 feet 7 inches
(Ngw record).
Javelin Throw: 1, Baker, Arkan
sas; 2, Goode, Tpxas A&M: 3, Ka-
dfra. Texas A^M; 4, Ashworth,
Oklahoma A&M. Distance 178 feet
3 inches.
Mile Relay; 1, Texas A&M (Lud-
wick, Bilderback], Holbrook, Ham
den;) 2, Oklahoma A&M; 3, Texas;
4, Texas Tech. Time: 3:21.8 (new
record). / j • 1 , ; .
Juniior College
Division: '
-College Freshman
120 yard high hurdles: 1
ap open fiouita .at Newlton’s
« • 1 ' I 1
Social Club; Plans
Miniature Wedding
I '' Lli ll I • j ;J 1 J. I
TMto 'Vill be | rtac^-X v 3 ;e
p^ted by the ch. dren of; Col- Ricks> TcxaJ A&M, and B
We Will consider
and who are jgriduiajtes
Electrical, Archit
Apply in -person
Star CJas Com pan
ei/undjer 30 years of age.
; Natural Gas, Chemical,
ectulral|br Mechanical Engineering,
or writ|| to C. It. Washburn, Lone
y cjfj Aipjleijie, Tejcas.
. r
iege Station, aged|2 to 4 years, qt
3 p. m; Thursday,; April 1, before
thh College Wpman’s Social Club.
The bride will be MUs Carol Ann
]lH|ll, (laughter of Mr. | ajnd Mrs.
Ipqrdpu, T. Hill, and. the gjroom
fr/lerry Frix,; son Of Mn and
M$s. Jqmes Bqyd Frix.
Whether Dart,
urany fine vh
oilier of Arrow's
your particular
favorite—yoii'l always he correclly dressed in an
A)rrow Hvhit(|
We may be Itei npbra ri
great is the jdcnapd) 1
out selection o r spar
Arrow shirt* f om $ 3. >
yslioqrt of rertain styles (so
CdniC id anyway and see
whites made by Arrow—
# r v
ties from $1.
lolf; 4, Robertson, Texas. Time
9.5 (New record—old re:oi'd 9.6
soil by LeLand, Texas Christian, in
1980, and tied by Glass, Oklahoma
A&M, 1931, Hall, Rice, 11(42, and
Martincsen, Baylor, 194/)
High jump: 1, Haws, Tev|as A&M
(t feet, 4 inches; 2, Clepfle/Texas
Tech and Walters, Texas tied, 6
Ricks, Texas A&M,'add Bakrt', Ar*
kansas, tied 6 feet.
Mile run: 1, Thompson Texas;
2, Brooks, Texas; 3, Tinkle,' Okla
homa A&M; 4, McGlpthlih,jTexas
A&M. Time: 4:28.
Phot put: 1, Kadeija, 4( feet. 8
inches, 2, Baker, Arkansas, 46 feet,
5% inches; 3, Young,;TeJfi s A&M,
44; feet, 2 inches; 4, Miller, Okla
homa A&M, 43 feet, 10 inches.
440-yard relay: 1, Texas [Rjobert-
sop, 1 Samuels, Tatom, Parker 1: 2,
Texas A&M; 3, Oklahoma A&M; 4,
Baylor. Time 43.1.
440-yard <Jash: 1, Holbrook, Tex
as A&M; 2. Harnden, Toxais A&M
as A&M; 2, Harnden, Texas A&M;
Pole Vault: 1, Peacock, Kilgore,
Pinnel, | an ,i Wade and Simpson, Texas A&
iSatuVday afternoon ; thp A&M di
rectors were guesjts of Johih W.
] Nfewtoi of BeaumOnt, also a board Tineas* Tech; 2, Boren, Tbxas; 3, j M , tied, 11 feet, C inches; 4, Hon*
mmnhrt; and v ce-ipreS'dOnt of the j Vails, Baylor; 4, .Campbe 1, Okla-1 a ker, Oklahoma A&M, and Center,
i Magnolia Petrcldito Company, The homa A&M. Time: 15.2. i . ! Schreiner tied 11 feet
' Ktoup |Was taken onto; boat] rule] 100-yard dash: 1, Parke 312, D’-1 sh . , s ith T A » M
down the Necjies River, Joltowcd AmbrosiO, Baylor; 3, Cott m' Bay- 43* 2*' Wright North Texas
Junior Prom Held
Friday in Sbisa
| 1 . ' : ll!'
The Junior Prom and Banquet,
one of the nuiin social events
the year, was Held Friday night in
Sbisa Hall, with the Aggieland or
chestra playing for the' dance.
The banquet,! which preceded (he
prom, was highlighted with an ad*
dress Ty B ev l Sam Hill, A&M
Chaplain Rev, Hill talked on the
wonderful showing made by the
Aggies all over] the world. He urged
the members Of the Junior Class
JLo keep up the] reputation made by
the men vyho have preceeded them.
Saturday night a St. Patrick’s
pay dance was also held in Sbisa
Hall with the Aggieland Orchestra
furnishing the music. This was an
all-college dance held for those who
had dates for the Prom and Sports
During the intermission at the
Prom, toe Aggie - nizers, A&MV
barbershop quartet gave renditions
of several harmony numbers. The
group sang over the ABC network
which curried part of the dance.
Wat’s O
will meet Tuesday evening
p.m. in the A.&I. Lecture R<
in the Gym at 8 pja. instea
>, ' ■ .[
\ T- r to 4 • • •
f i i
/ t :
La Bella
Style Shop
I Bryan
Agricultural College, 39 feet, 7
inches; 3, Faulkenberg, Trinity, 39
feet, 5 inches; 4, Davis, North Tex
as Stpte, 38 feet, 2 inches.
High jump: 1„ Peacock, Kilgore,
6 feet, 4 inches (new record—old
record, 6 feet, 8 Vi inches, set by
Horn, Conners Aggies, in 1938). 2,
Boswell, John Tarleton, and Lucas.
Schreiner, tied, (5 feet, 2 inches; 4,
Cartston, Texas A&M, and Wade,
Texas A&M, 6 feet, 1 Inch.
lOO yard dash: Payne, Southern
Methodist; 2. Carroll, Kilgore; 3,
Richardson, Texas A&M; 4, Ezer,
Trinity. Time: 10J).
Milo run: 1, Herring, Texas A&M
2, Root, Baylor; i3, McMahon, Tex
as A&M; 4, Wilson], Texas A&M.
Tinte: 4:40.6. , fl \|]
440 yard dash: 1, Mitchell, Tex
as A&M; 2, Taylor. Oklahoma A&
M; 3, Inglehart, Texas A&M; 4,
Gibjjon, Schreiner. Time: b2.0.
220 yard dash: 1, Matthews, Bay
lor; 2, Richardspn, Texas A&M; 3,
Cafroll, Kilgore; 4, Willingham,
Southern Methodist. Time: 22.1.
880 yard run: 1, Jones, Oklahoma
A&M; 2, Hawkins, Texas; 3, Sch-
lather, Texas A&M; 4, Herring,
Texas A&M.
Javelin throw: 1, Smith, Texas
A&M; 2, Simpson, Texas A&M; 3, fhe first man in motion play
Jobes, Oklahoma A&M; 4, Hansen, waa U3e( j j n too Yale-Harvard 1892
TCU. Distance 169 feet. game. It was part of the famous
Mile Relay: 1, Oklahoma A&M, flying wedge play of Harvard, In-
2, Texas A&M. , I vented by Deland.
I J ;
(Continued from Pago 3)
300-yard Medley Relay—1, SMU
(Stevvert, Albert, Tears); 2, A&M
3, TU; 4, Baylor. Tinfc 3:15.7.
220-yard Free Style-41, Goodman
SMU; 2, McCann, TU; 3, SYFAN,
A&M; 4, Hushla, TU; 5, YARDA-
MAN, A&M. Time: 2:22.8.
50-yard; Freestyle—1, GREEN,
A&M,*2, Tolar, TU; 3, Campbell,
TU; 4, McCoy, Baylor; 5, Morti
mer, SMU. Time: 23.9.
lOO-yardi Individual Medley—*.!,
GREEN, A&M; 2, Hill, TU; 3, Hel-
venston, TU; 4, SUMMERS, A&M;
5, B. FISHER, A&M. Time 1:03.0.
100-yard Freestyle—1, GREEN,
A&M; 2, Tolar, TU; 3, RILEY, A&
M;j4, McCoy, Baylor; 5, Fowler.
TU. Time; 53.4.
Diving—1, Tolar, TU, 380.0; 2,
Manale, Baylor, 358.8; 3, Campbell,
TU, 334.7; 4, HEEMAN, A&M,
268.6; 5, Raines, TU, 228.4.
100-yard Back Stroke-*—!, SPEN
CER, A&M; 2, Cone, TU; 3, Mc-
Lellan, TU; 4, Stewart, SMU; ]?,'
B. FISHER, A&M. Time: 1:0$. 1
100-yard Breast Stroke—1, Hill,
TU; 2, Karbach, TU; 3, Helvenstbn
TU; 4, D. Albert, SMU; 5, Dwire,
SMU. Time: 1:09.1.
440-yard Free Style—1, Good
man, SMU; 2, McCann, TU) 2,
SYFAN. A&M; 4, Hushly, TU; 5,
VARDAMAN, A&M. Time: 5:13.2.
400-yard Free Style Relay—1,
SMU (Gowap, Tears, MortiirjorC]
Goodman); 2, Texas A & Ml (Jf^
Baylor; 4, Texas University. Time:
A b 4TER p lAC | T0
Bryan Mot
“Your Friendly p,
■ ■ toi.\ l it
J. ,J, 4 t
1 iCopyright 1M7 by Loot.
4-: i
. be doing my wash at —
If I were home, I w
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SiMtt- i ft. employ Shi lvndor
ito^i ?0).00. IChll 4-9712. ,
i 'ill 'I • r
70 %
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4 I ; ■ j
Priiies .25 up
jrjiies 50|% off / j
Copper-Brass 50% off
] Ha«(d painted plates
: U ; 25% off
• $5.00 for $2.45
Proofs to Select From
r/,1 I 1 Not
?andy E(ishe|s
Furniture Co
for $2.45
i ' I- r /U
■f Saii s rt ction Guaranteed
gpod fqij cipywojrk. -.5
r 28 tears” / / : | ^
Joyful hymns, radiii
are all ways of sht
tide. Send our
year and your frie
ind 9fa< ious Easter Cards
ng igy
<ls will
pirtess at Easter-
< jibsoh Ea$ter Cards this
cnow you $ent the finest
Styled for leisure, to .
Casuals combine sk lied wD(jkj|iairtstoP fpb-
Cics of premium g
you Sport
Shirts tt
jwith tr^fpointrt
ond ger^e
shown in solid
rtosian prints. Wi
uols are airy-tiglrt,
best in highqgal
our line of Norri -
Th« n,
Jde cotttbn
bnd rayon to c ive
hibn-wito* v om tort*
: I i !
iblfe col
Slckrii Casuals
4 checks, ajnd Roly
u toito-tpllcjred Cos-
: i4* Tb get the
select now ran