William H. Kiel, j&rinpfa Wfildlife mjimagament,pep- sent of the de- rtmoht of wildlile management, • , in >* ’ rpose of the conference, ording to Davi:,: is to - coordi- ans ,j Unify the efforts of the il i; organizat ohs .i interested ahd participating i a | thd consOrva- ir basic natural! resources, dudii&i soils, wat ers, forests,; and 1 ri| 1 Accompanying Kiel to; St. are William L. \7ehb and elds, graduate students in \jrilc e management; I James Russell elding, Jr., a junior majoring in Idlifejmanageineht and Dr. W. B. ^vis^ Davis has t>artic|ipatedi ac tively in formulating a coordinated plan of teaching and research tjo be -Ji engagt^l in by the 18 Coopersitive Wildlifi Units, onU of which is lo cated at A&M. - DIRECTORS Ll i | (Cpntinuedi from Pagp 1); stjon af 5 the cattle apd bams are moved '.across the railroad trades. Costing an; estimated. $30,00(1 to $50,000,;'the approximate 150 neves will include a golf course, p trie ADS Nothin*: typ« vyuKhintt m« pf. Four month* oM. Ho with ifhoRtrobi i mojvinft.! l‘hon* auhor Si do it sMl.n'^HHatlvfUy 1 now wire ! lYcnrHof tii fiucolWnt contU^on — |13.'i.e( ] ( • • ] | University Division: i, | 3, Bilderback, Texas A&M; 4, Kidd Texas. Time} 49.1. 220 yard dash: 1, Parker; 2, Na pier, Texas A&M; 3, Reynolds, Texas Tech; 4, Wilson, Texas A&M. Time 21.2. 880-yard run: 1, Atkins, Texas A&M; 2, Thompson, Texas; 3, SDto'ki?. Texas; 4, Stone, Texas A&M. Time 2:02.0. 220 yard loytr hurdles: 1, Hall, Texas A&M.... 2, D. Cardon, Texas A&M; 3, Boren. Texas; 4, W. Car don, Texas A&M. Time 24.0. Broad Jump: 1, Robertson, Tex as; 2, Goode, Texas A&M; 3. Cole man, Texas A&M; 4, Hill, Texas A&M; Distance 21 feet 6 inches. !l Pole Vault: Tied for first- Ricks, Texas A&M, Davis, Texas A&M; andii Walters, Texas; 4, Lindsey/ TCU. Height 12 feet. Discuss Throw: 1. Kadera, Texas A&M; 2, Adair, SMU; 3, Baker, Arkansas; 4, Miller, Oklahoma A &M, Distance 160 feet 7 inches (Ngw record). Javelin Throw: 1, Baker, Arkan sas; 2, Goode, Tpxas A&M: 3, Ka- dfra. Texas A^M; 4, Ashworth, Oklahoma A&M. Distance 178 feet 3 inches. Mile Relay; 1, Texas A&M (Lud- wick, Bilderback], Holbrook, Ham den;) 2, Oklahoma A&M; 3, Texas; 4, Texas Tech. Time: 3:21.8 (new record). / j • 1 , ; . Juniior College Division: ' -College Freshman 120 yard high hurdles: 1 ap open fiouita .at Newlton’s « • 1 ' I 1 Social Club; Plans Miniature Wedding I '' Lli ll I • j ;J 1 J. I TMto 'Vill be | rtac^-X v 3 ;e p^ted by the ch. dren of; Col- Ricks> TcxaJ A&M, and B We Will consider and who are jgriduiajtes Electrical, Archit Apply in -person Star CJas Com pan ei/undjer 30 years of age. ; Natural Gas, Chemical, ectulral|br Mechanical Engineering, or writ|| to C. It. Washburn, Lone y cjfj Aipjleijie, Tejcas. . r iege Station, aged|2 to 4 years, qt 3 p. m; Thursday,; April 1, before thh College Wpman’s Social Club. The bride will be MUs Carol Ann ]lH|ll, (laughter of Mr. | ajnd Mrs. Ipqrdpu, T. Hill, and. the gjroom fr/lerry Frix,; son Of Mn and M$s. Jqmes Bqyd Frix. Whether Dart, urany fine vh oilier of Arrow's your particular favorite—yoii'l always he correclly dressed in an A)rrow Hvhit(| We may be Itei npbra ri great is the jdcnapd) 1 out selection o r spar America* Arrow shirt* f om $ 3. > yslioqrt of rertain styles (so CdniC id anyway and see whites made by Arrow— # r v ties from $1. limp. lolf; 4, Robertson, Texas. Time 9.5 (New record—old re:oi'd 9.6 soil by LeLand, Texas Christian, in 1980, and tied by Glass, Oklahoma A&M, 1931, Hall, Rice, 11(42, and Martincsen, Baylor, 194/) High jump: 1, Haws, Tev|as A&M (t feet, 4 inches; 2, Clepfle/Texas Tech and Walters, Texas tied, 6 Baylor; Ricks, Texas A&M,'add Bakrt', Ar* kansas, tied 6 feet. Mile run: 1, Thompson Texas; 2, Brooks, Texas; 3, Tinkle,' Okla homa A&M; 4, McGlpthlih,jTexas A&M. Time: 4:28. Phot put: 1, Kadeija, 4( feet. 8 inches, 2, Baker, Arkansas, 46 feet, 5% inches; 3, Young,;TeJfi s A&M, 44; feet, 2 inches; 4, Miller, Okla homa A&M, 43 feet, 10 inches. 440-yard relay: 1, Texas [Rjobert- sop, 1 Samuels, Tatom, Parker 1: 2, Texas A&M; 3, Oklahoma A&M; 4, Baylor. Time 43.1. 440-yard , ' ■ .[ ©. \ T- r to 4 • • • f i i W / t : La Bella Style Shop I Bryan Agricultural College, 39 feet, 7 inches; 3, Faulkenberg, Trinity, 39 feet, 5 inches; 4, Davis, North Tex as Stpte, 38 feet, 2 inches. High jump: 1„ Peacock, Kilgore, 6 feet, 4 inches (new record—old record, 6 feet, 8 Vi inches, set by Horn, Conners Aggies, in 1938). 2, Boswell, John Tarleton, and Lucas. Schreiner, tied, (5 feet, 2 inches; 4, Cartston, Texas A&M, and Wade, Texas A&M, 6 feet, 1 Inch. lOO yard dash: Payne, Southern Methodist; 2. Carroll, Kilgore; 3, Richardson, Texas A&M; 4, Ezer, Trinity. Time: 10J). Milo run: 1, Herring, Texas A&M 2, Root, Baylor; i3, McMahon, Tex as A&M; 4, Wilson], Texas A&M. Tinte: 4:40.6. , fl \|] 440 yard dash: 1, Mitchell, Tex as A&M; 2, Taylor. Oklahoma A& M; 3, Inglehart, Texas A&M; 4, Gibjjon, Schreiner. Time: b2.0. 220 yard dash: 1, Matthews, Bay lor; 2, Richardspn, Texas A&M; 3, Cafroll, Kilgore; 4, Willingham, Southern Methodist. Time: 22.1. 880 yard run: 1, Jones, Oklahoma A&M; 2, Hawkins, Texas; 3, Sch- lather, Texas A&M; 4, Herring, Texas A&M. Javelin throw: 1, Smith, Texas A&M; 2, Simpson, Texas A&M; 3, fhe first man in motion play Jobes, Oklahoma A&M; 4, Hansen, waa U3e( j j n too Yale-Harvard 1892 TCU. Distance 169 feet. game. It was part of the famous Mile Relay: 1, Oklahoma A&M, flying wedge play of Harvard, In- 2, Texas A&M. , I vented by Deland. - STATISTICS 4- I J ; (Continued from Pago 3) 300-yard Medley Relay—1, SMU (Stevvert, Albert, Tears); 2, A&M (SPENCER, J. FISHER. RIELY); 3, TU; 4, Baylor. Tinfc 3:15.7. 220-yard Free Style-41, Goodman SMU; 2, McCann, TU; 3, SYFAN, A&M; 4, Hushla, TU; 5, YARDA- MAN, A&M. Time: 2:22.8. 50-yard; Freestyle—1, GREEN, A&M,*2, Tolar, TU; 3, Campbell, TU; 4, McCoy, Baylor; 5, Morti mer, SMU. Time: 23.9. lOO-yardi Individual Medley—*.!, GREEN, A&M; 2, Hill, TU; 3, Hel- venston, TU; 4, SUMMERS, A&M; 5, B. FISHER, A&M. Time 1:03.0. 100-yard Freestyle—1, GREEN, A&M; 2, Tolar, TU; 3, RILEY, A& M;j4, McCoy, Baylor; 5, Fowler. TU. Time; 53.4. Diving—1, Tolar, TU, 380.0; 2, Manale, Baylor, 358.8; 3, Campbell, TU, 334.7; 4, HEEMAN, A&M, 268.6; 5, Raines, TU, 228.4. 100-yard Back Stroke-*—!, SPEN CER, A&M; 2, Cone, TU; 3, Mc- Lellan, TU; 4, Stewart, SMU; ]?,' B. FISHER, A&M. Time: 1:0$. 1 100-yard Breast Stroke—1, Hill, TU; 2, Karbach, TU; 3, Helvenstbn TU; 4, D. Albert, SMU; 5, Dwire, SMU. Time: 1:09.1. 440-yard Free Style—1, Good man, SMU; 2, McCann, TU) 2, SYFAN. A&M; 4, Hushly, TU; 5, VARDAMAN, A&M. Time: 5:13.2. 400-yard Free Style Relay—1, SMU (Gowap, Tears, MortiirjorC] Goodman); 2, Texas A & Ml (Jf^ FISHER, SUMMERS, RILEY); 3, Baylor; 4, Texas University. Time: 3:53.7. YOU COULDN'T A b 4TER p lAC | T0 HAVE Y0UR f0RD SERVICED ieemde Bryan Mot “Your Friendly p, ■ ■ toi.\ l it J. ,J, 4 t 1 iCopyright 1M7 by Loot. 4-: i . be doing my wash at — If I were home, I w ! THE LAUNDERETTE , (South!Side Campus—CoUege Station). SiMtt- i ft. employ Shi lvndor ito^i ?0).00. IChll 4-9712. , i 'ill 'I • r 70 % I ' [ ' , ■ . I T ' ^ I 4 I ; ■ j Priiies .25 up jrjiies 50|% off / j Copper-Brass 50% off ] Ha«(d painted plates : U ; 25% off MOTHER’S I • $5.00 for $2.45 AGGIE ONE 8x10 BEAUTIFUL sIl ior,on 'ALL PORTRAITS COM|E MO Proofs to Select From r/,1 I 1 Not ?andy E(ishe|s K R A F T Furniture Co .,™.o STM» IR^ for $2.45 ONE PORTRAIT i ' I- r /U )t NtTEaD IN A NICE FQLDfcR” ■f Saii s rt ction Guaranteed gpod fqij cipywojrk. -.5 r 28 tears” / / : | ^ Joyful hymns, radiii are all ways of sht tide. Send our year and your frie COUL ind 9fa< ious Easter Cards rtliliej ng igy itiful