The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 19, 1948, Image 1

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^ 1
i .'•j i
« thei
y| P
to tltf
AUSTIN; Tex,, Mare
Texas Democrats coukj
choice of two sUtes
at the July 24 primary
plan made: public now.
r Merritt M. Gibsflh of ,
campaign manager of the
funct Texas Regular Pfti
| posed that the Mafr 26;
convention name {wo s
tors: one pledged!,to the
phia nominees, tfe othir _ „
nominees qf Southern n v alters.
Reopening of the jGalves tc n pi
ure pier fdr the f|r*it time since
was closed becausf of the war
": ‘ '
1 j
f* 1
! 1 /
1 •
! ;LL
take place May 2f
A. T. Whayne,
said Phil .Harris
radio and motion
and Ji >a i Dav
pjqtu e celeb
expected to s tiend t^ife
j, ■
ties, are
Secretary of Defense F< rteal
dicated yesterday that, tl e a
forces Wajnt tio add mre tl
* nigth,
. V ly to f
j them. • ] JU. •,I
>ART 01
Sale of; pfl
dnance P
to the -Norwood
irt^of the Blu<
lant at Mc(fre
itwood Manpfai
?or, Tex
^Chicago, for $74,000 was; ann‘
xed today! by the’War Assets
WAA said the :Tfoiwood i\
ans to Use the'plajnt as a fui
re factory. | ; j
(Most of the Bluebt nnet trk
/ v but hot ell, has beep urned m
to A&M 'College for e (perimeit(al
zlif ^ / ' p /; : : f ; .M,, 1 -; |p; f. f,.j f
ill i
VDlyne 47 jj / 1 [/ /|| •;[ 8 j | [ COLLEGE STATION (AggieIand)>TEXAS > FRIDAY, MARCH 19,1948
Midnight Yell Practice Opens
y a . ? — n™. i an H5„i, c
I a
iiili 'l i
>i4 .
JfT- Jf
■ Hr' ‘.j'
rf | r 'i ‘ v
1 1
If T'|
' •’;
h \ ■>
-!. !
j f
f /
■ In
i j
• i
Port Neches School Board me
• L. J. Crane testified ye itdrday
faculty and student mojrale rps
“leaps and bounds’* Under Sbbt.
Cecil Yarbrough,
Crane was called by counsel] {or
Yarbrough as th<j disch irged school
superintendent’s appeal hearing} be
fore State Supt. :L. A. Woods w<jnt
ipto itaJourth day.
- BERLIN, Mar^i 19 --(.P>- t Nrig.
Gen. Telford Tajylor i nd his jwife
were injured yejterda r when they
-ami wvwi other Ameiicatis batfed
out,of a C-47 plame aid landeririir
territory ini Sot
nehr Berlin. p< ,
latch its talents against Texas University in the Con-
. ii ■ - iriffHI -i'f .j,' : . J • • ' [ fPjg
Thomas Eubank, Gilbert McKenzie, Hockey Varnon, Paul Clevenger, Steve
Hauser, ‘Tigpr” Move and Jerry Nicks.
This is the Aggie Swimming team #hich will
ference meet tomorrow night.
IN POOL: Paul Fleming,
Helbing, Scotty Potter, Bill
rSECONI) ROW: Wade Smith, Beimfe Syfan, Walton Armstrong, Bill Crow, Jim Bennett, John Hee-
man. Bill Strait, Joe Canning, Charles Winter, Jbet Lander, Mac McCollough, Paul Dorian and Tot
Westervelt. -I, !} , . 1
TOP ROW: Coach Art Adamson, Dick; Lea, Ed Kruse, Gjene Summers, Jack Riley, Dave Vardaman,
Jerry Fisher, Howard Spepceh Buddy 1 Fisher, Danny Green,, Tommy Knox, and Diving Coach Emil
Mamaliga. If ' • I | : . I • ! ‘ i. I !■ * ' | , [
g *1 j ^ [
A&.M,TU Hold Spotlight
u swimming Finals To
Be Held Here Tomorrow
- ! . S 'i
iposed of} 11
is pledged to
DALLAS, Maiich 19 UW)—
rship of a campaign agpinst
eral margarine taxes ' vetiT i’ntf jth
hands of a 13-man co nipittee
terday. j , I .?
The committeje, Coi}i
men and two wome:
seek removal of a lOl-c inti per floiind
■ tax on yellow irjargar nei and pifmj
erous restrictiv«| licprse fees.! t
Clinton D. McKinnoh has tiv
drawn his'offdr to
New York NeWspapler PM
Mai'shall Emljl and ^ till remaii in
San Diego to rjm'fot Cjohgrcps
the Democrat tjckfet. j
Coach Art Adamson’s redord-
bijeaking swimming team will give
it last performance of the season
hi re at 7:30 p. m. tomorrovj ir the
~ uthwest i Conference swimnihg
1 " 5 1
et finals. This Aggie tetim
iken alt least two jleccirdi
AUSTIN, Tei, Ma chi 19 -41^
J. Frank Dobiei, folk or st ami
thor, said President Triiman fin
speech, displayekl "ljuiit as little
Jr 1 ^ r 1 ™
llectual power as bver.";
fiT don’t tbinK it ii iinposiblU tol
be friehds Btilltwitjh Rujssia’’ Dobiei
{old the Austin A ncrtean. “If
i. > there ijt wah, thje Uni ;ed Statis^willi
be. responisible ifor shilling’it--not
.1 , T : jj
Dobie is adlvocati rvg the p esb
/ dential! ci£ndidaj:y of lei iry A. 1 Wal
lace. 1 It
1 rtr-
] iROJjlE, March “
^pyemier, Randblfo
h 19 -(A*)— Yice-
l acriardli llld
. stei-day the Italian gpvernttie it i*
recruiting “abbut 30 .OOp men rom
those Whp alriiady 1 avt* done nili-
tary service”/to aug nent'j p iblic
,i ' . BCrVIvw , j
y security-forced.
team of stub!
J traffic here t
| their driver tbok t m
some cold water and p
ears..-;, ! -
evety mpet this} season while win
ning eight out |bf nine dual meets.
The Aggies’ imAin opponent for
the jtitle will bf Texas University,
With Baylor and Southern Metho
dist; expected tjo fight it out for
third place.
Texas is rated in the favorite’s
spot because of a 64-to ^9 trim-
b ill — A.-
mules bio ckedl
Ihef day—inti
out [ t(j cell!
r it in their
ilany, o||e of
sidents,' dijed|yes*
jf 105.
be ir who. Had! pre
dieted she Would bvi to . be‘ 110
‘if miy vitamih pilli ( h ildjbuVt died
at the home qf a g rariddaugh
Texas' ol
AFL President
yesterday th
9 ecnnomv st:
by buying bands wjith
we can spare.’’
:! j
'S s
Itidn inust h
ecomlimy string* tb f halt ith iTag-
gressive tide; of Soviet .eipttisior
and prevent ? abotl lex war'” J]
Addressing the 4pep>®
att Members
ttendine SWj
At j r _ 'll
News Longress
Five Battalion staff mjem-
rs left ifor Austin this mOrn-
g to represent A&M. at the
S mthwest Journalism Cong
ress being held today ahdjto-
% orrowl *
Schediiled to speak before the
C ingress this morning were Rdiiben
H. Markbsmi, once Balkan boirifes-,
mindontjfnr the Christian $cjiqnce
Monitor j Vernon {Sanford,'manager
<d - the Texns Press Association}; and
Rlargaret Bourke-White, wrilteir and
l}hotograiAier for Life Magatine.
< Roy Crine, creator of the j “Buz
awyer’i cbmic strip, was schifjduled
0 speak ] bbfoi’e the group 0 at a
uncheon m. the Driskill Hotel Gry-
tal Ballrpoln.
The Keision for this afternoon
eatured K. C. Pratt, former ieditor
if Stet; and Felix McKnight, as-l
nstant ipanaging editor ol The
Dallas Morning News.
Dr. Frank Luther Mott, Dean of
die University of Missouri Journa
lism Scbopl kvill report on Ja]iapese
journalism at a dinner and dance
to be held tonight.
Three talks are scheduled for
Saturday morning before the dele-,
gates divide into' two gnups—
faculty nvembera and studewp. A
constitution will be drawn ju» for
the Student Press Club and officers
will be etected. Faculty meihbers
will elect eficers and select if meet
ing place for next year’s (Conven
tion. | •
A&M students attending the
conference are Vick Lindley/Ken-
neth-Bondi Louis T. Morgan, J. K. HIT
Bv Nelson} and Louie M. Hardy.
^- Another group of A&M students
will leavtj tomorrow morning to
attend the closing sessions*.
Roland • Bing, manager jo
dent publications, accompanied the
ming which it handed the Aggies
in Austin a few weeks ago. A&Mi
hud previously beaten the Steers
67 to here.
IttuUfy'mK preliminaries will
stifrt tonight at 8. Swimmers will
qualify 1 by times, except in the
1 50-yard free stylb, in whith they
will qualify by places.
These preliminaries are an im
portant part of the meet because
the coaches mjay shift thqir stai
swimmers in such a way as to gain
an; advantage over competing
A swimmer can enter only in
tjhe events inf which he qualifies,
and several point* can be gained
by placing a man in a, less com
petitive race,
Coach Art Adamson said yester
day “We can win this meet by one
pofnt or lose it by twenty.”
i 1 JlfJ
. • | W i ,
Each team is Allowed to enter
foiir nieii in each evept. There will
ijj|:-'Tl 1 ' rtH
j Saturday Final
Day to Pay Fees
] Saturday, March 20, is the
last {day that fees may be paid
Without penalty, W. Hi. Holz-
mann, A&M comptroller, warn
ed today, f I J
: For Corps members tthe fees,
excluding the spring recess, are
as follows:
1 Board to April 24 $37.20
i Room rent to April 24 8.75
Lpundry to April 24 3.35
j jToUl ]| $49.30
i'll! For veterans not living in the
corps, the fees are:
Room rent, $8.75
j . ilkiindnri J • } 3.35
,_n -1 •' j 11 ■ ri—
Total ] j $12.10
1 ii -:i
HINGTON, Mar. 19 --7 i “
er-oleo battle f broke out oh
the House Door briefly yesterday.
Rep. Paage (D-Tex) started it
He said butter prices shot iup eight
cents after the agriculture commit
tee voted {Tuesday to shelv<
repealing federal taxes of)
ects Chapter
be five places in each race. Indi
vidual raefes count 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, and
theirelays will count 10, 8, 6, 4, 2.
Danny Green wil get a chance
to break his conference times in
the 50- and 100-yard free, style,
races and set a new record.
Green cut .8 of a second off of
his conference mark of 53.2 in
the last A&M-TU engagement.
There are several .ejyents which
will decide whether A&M or Texas
will win the meet.
★ if! {
The opening 300-yard medley re
lay will feature a duel between one
of A&M’s several breaststrokers
and Texas’ Hylmar Karback or
Bob Hill. The Aggies have the
fastest relay squad except for this
slot, and a good show in the back-
stroke could win this race.
Danriy Green is conceded firsts
in {the 50- and 100-yard dashes,
but the second spot is a question
mark. Aggie Jack Rijey has trail
ed Texan Jack Tolar by inches in
both encounters this season. ^
A second by Riley in both races
would help the Farmers] chances
for a win, and a second in one
would still give A&M a total
gain in these two races.
Two of the most exciting events
will be the 220- and 440-yard dis
tance swims. Jim McCann of Texas
has traded wins with Larry Good
man of SMU this , pfeason. Syfan
beat Goodman in the 220-yard
event dn Dallas last month, but
has not met McCann this season.
Texas has the two btst breast
strokers in the conference in Hill
and Karbach. Although none of
A&M’s swimmers are slated to
take the top two places, a third
and a fourtn would cut down the
Steers’ actual gain to five points
in this event. I ]/■ .i
If A&M can take its share of the
above crucial matches, the Aggies
stand a good chance to move the
Southwest Conference swimming
trophy to Aggieland.
Aggies Meet Bears
In Debate Tuesday
' j .''; [| | '|j . j f i;
The Aggie debaters held two non
decision debates at Baylor Tues
day afternoon., Topics under the
discussion were “Resolved: That a
Federal World Government Should
Be Established” “Resolved: That
the Veto Provision of the United
Nations Should Be Abolished.”
The latter debate will be trans
cribed over station WACO on
Thursday at 8 p. m. "
The Aggies lost two ,pMsroom
debates by a close vote to the visit
ing TCU team last Thursday af
ternoon. They won ki{formal inter
collegiate debate in the evening
by a vote of 3 to/O. Paul B. VelU
ameron Siddall of Bryan was
sen vice-president, and L. F.
district director of the De
tent of Agriculture Bureau ing for
itomologlst, Pink Boll Worm H. E _ 4 .
,ecKUiry ' the Ag,,M
and John L Taylor did the debat-
H. E. Hierth of‘the English de-
Jv} fi
to Baylor
i Hi
Over 100 High School L
Guests of Aggies and For
Number 137
All-College Ball, Cuion Hall Stage
Show to Be Held Tomorrow Evening
'lu Mil j.jj. J jt
Football, Swi
Tennis AreAiiionj;
1 ll I I 11L i 1. ii, • i ! rJl il
M Hf/[ '
Baseball, And
ek-End Doings
The Aggie “welcome” goes out to more than one hundred
representatives from the high schools over the state today
and tomorrow as the first “Operation High School” gets
^w/yrtbri ; ill [Hj. /i M I / 1 !' 1 I i , jj
; Student leaders from Texas schools will be here to look
oyer the school and help in the Sports Day Activities. Names
of more than 100 boys from 36‘
schools have been turned in to Gra
dy Elms, assistant'director of stu
dent activities. These representa
tives will be housed a,nd fed by the
college with the only requirement
being that the boy Is registered.
Registration started this after
noon in the lobby of the YMCA
under the supervision of the For
mer Students Association., j
The program of entertainment
for the students will feature the
Sports Day activities as well as a
tour over the college. Each home
town club will be responsible for
its group of representatives to see
that the students are shown the
points of interest around the col
The high school leaders will
also be guests at the : all-college
dance in Sbisa Hall tomorrow
night from 9 until 12. Represen
tatives of the high schools will
be admitted free to all activities
if their names have been sub
mitted to Grady Elms in Room i
212, Goodwin Hall.
A dance has also been sifted
for the Annex Student Center
Saturday night from 9 until 12.
A stage show in Guion Hall will
also help give the school boys an
idea of the entertainment at A&M.
The show will feature Nell Arho-
pujos singing with the Aggieland
Orchestra. Other musical numbers
on-the show will incltthe thw special
arrangement of “I’d Rather Be a
Texas Aggie,” by the Singing Ca-
dets. I £ fW- ' '> jji J ■;
Also on the show will be the
Barbershop Quartet, known as
the Aggienizers, singing the “fa
miliar ballads o{ the past.”
Schools, whose representatives
names have been turned ih to
Elms, represent a wide coverage of
the stat<». the schools from
Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio
will send boys to look over Aggie
land. North Side of Fort Worth is
the only Cowtown school whose
representatives names have been
..turned in..;} j j ;; ! ' J
Other towns in the state that
will be represented are: Del Rio,
Laredo, Bliffalo, Temole, Mission,
Austin, Belton, Wichita Falls, Abi
lene, Waco, Harlingen, Edinburgh,
Brownsville, and Donna. Eight boys
will also come from both the Brush
County Area and Johnson County.
Duke’s Mixture
Texas A&M’s 194
with a midnight yell ]
itiating tomorrow’s
football, baseball, swif
the biggest Sports D*
only team missing ~
ns Year’s
A&M Offers
Spare Time Activi
The Aggies themselves don’t realize all the {
available for their participation, X full list ojf the
curricular and recreational pursuits fills two typed pakbs and
is full of surprises.
They are not restricted to students who a,re sopht mores
♦ or higher. On the contila , first’
Directors Hold
Spring Meeting
In Beaumont
A&M’s Board of Directors will
hold their Spring meeting at the
Hotel Beaumont in Beaumont .this
afternoon; j if , i'/T.
The Board will be faced by a
crowded agenda for this meeting,
the first sinCe their January ses
sion here.
. Proposed construction awaiting
authorization from the Board in
clude a new roof for the Chemistry
Building, Airport lighting and han
ger apron paving at Easterwood,
and the construction of a band
stand and rest rooms at the Grove.
The Board is expected to accept
the Michel T. Halbouty Scholar-
Jesse H.
honoring Gen
erals Eisenhower and Patton.
Acceptance of the Mary James
Burns and Waller T. Bums, Jr. en
dowment j fund, which provides a
permanent scholarship from its in
come, is on the agenda.
Official acceptance of various
gifts and grants-in-aid is also ex
Student Activity Fees and hand
ling fees for uniforms issued to
ROTC students will be established.
Authority to proceed with plans
to make the pasture southeast bf
(See DIRECTORS, Page 4)
ship in Geology and the
Jones Scholarships honor
year students arc encoulnAged txf
join in the activities. Onf’part dl
un animal award is basi
extra-cjijirricular life of
dents. ■' ! j. j !
Here is a brief summard of
versions available when ilH bool
begin to grow heavy:
For prospective jourmjlj site, a
vertisers and circulators! i lie Pu
lications division offers yi ned o
portunities. The Battalic n, Tl
Commentator, The Longhcm, Tl
Agriculturist, The Sou|tHweste
Veterinarian, and The Engi leer a
student publications on wfidi stu
dents may receive expetjifc nee ah 1
training. - i 1
A&M i» practically! jgte
with Clubs—home town dubs, eh
gineering c l u b s, agfi ultur
clubs, recreational anjtL hobl
clubs, retigi
sion societies—which off'
diversions to the student
I In the government iijld,
groups hold opt training Sin, tegi
rogram starts tonight
it of Goodwin Hall ih-
program featuring
i.s expected to be/
er held at A&M. ThR
be the Aggie
ck team which journeys to Fort
ifth this week-end, to participate \
Southwestern Recreation ,
Id Meet !
pohsored by jibe
Association, is an
kiiijMHl evonti at Aggieland mark-
tjijg end of spring fbbtball train-
lng;aiial honoring Aggie athletes. ' [
This year Spoi ls Day will mark
uration of a new era in
tic* at Aggieland. Since last
Bering there htfl/been an almost
ate turnover of the coaching
it A&M and pf sports policy
j WeM. The resignation of Homer
jorton as head'football coach and
tie appointment of Hanfjr Stiller
as Ihisl successor brought about tbs
Ibrjlg-awaited change, i
itball followers will get a.
e to see A&M’s 1948 foot-
irospects in game actiow for
irst time tomorrow when the
e gridders engage tea game
image beginning at 2 p.ip,
] The: footballers will lie divided
ifnto two squads, a maroon squad
(johsispng of tlhe first and fourth
stitlngpjujnd a white Squad composed
of'the second and third stringp.
Tip maroon squad captained by
ptiell ! Sltatfllzeriberger and • Jimmy
Cushion is (favored to win.
P. L. Downs Natatorium will be
, thje seerie Satulrday evening of the
Southwest Conference swimming
liUlsL Although hot an.actual part
olillthp j sports Day progi am the
immijng meet will be pf vital
_ Kpaito all Ag«ies.*a it i* algt-
^[tpipe a_two-team affair
lative processes and ipt( raetjo
These arc the Student |L fe
mittee and the {Student Sprite
Truman Runs Second
Aggies, Profs Favor
‘Ike 9 For President
By C. C. TRAIL j
If public opinion of a small segment of the student
body at A&jM means anything, General Dwight D. Eisen
hower 1 ' will be overwhelmingly elected President of the
United States next fall, should he chjoose to run.
Yesterday Battalion reporters gsked 89 students and
professors, “If you were voting tomorrow, Who would be
your choice for President of the United States?”
Of the number asked, 32 preferred Eisenhower, while
Truman was the choice of 16. In support of Eisenhower,
one Aggie made this statement: “For a little man in a big
job, Truman is not doing badly, but we need a big man for
the big job. That big man is Eisenhower.”
Truman gathered his support on many and varied
grounds. Several were behind him purely because he is
the leading man in the Democratic party, while others
didn't want to "change horses in the middle of the stream.”
One Trumanite gave this classic reason for his choice:
“On ithe strength of his civil rights program, I shall sup
port Mr. Truman. He must be an honest man to have stuck
his neck so far out on an issue that he must have known
would cost him all southern support.”
Following Truman and Eisenhower were Harold Stas-
sen, who nosed out Arthur Vandenberg by a 11 to IQ count,
and George C. Marshall, who was ahead of Thomas E.
Dewey 7 to 6; , i
Following with one vote each were Henry Wallace,
Robert Taft, James F. Byrnes, James Farley, Earl Warren,
and iSam Rayburn.
Significantly enough, General Douglas MacArthur
polled no votes, as did the old Texas Regulars’ candidate,
Senator Harry Byrd of Virginia. j! { M
Also failing to make a showing were W. Lee O'Daniel
and James “Big Jim” Folsom of Alabama.
Only one person asked failed to state a choice. He
said, “I don’t think any of the announced candidates are
canable of runnimr the United States.” »
For | the musically in}:! ned, tlj
band, the Singing Cadets an< l il
Aggieland Orchestra aye wait
with sheets of music inj land.
Seventeen different ]■ orts iife
included undei rthe intramural
vision, Eighty civil arid milita
athletic officers, fortyi-tjwj depa
mental officials and tvie ve intij t-
mural dficials devote sOrrie part jtf
their tiine to this phas^ ttf collej e
Ll '™' T i
college-owned radio ate
unit nil
sts Ml:
lijng mefet will
If to
T'iisjf and Texas A&M fighting it
at} fbrlthe conference title.
Oth^r teams entered arc SMU.
1 Iky W, Rice, and TCU.
A&M’s baseball team will make
te second appearance of- the sea-
in Saturday {meeting the Brooke
lekliis on KyU* Field at 4 p.m. The
flgteS will play the first of the
i)-ga ne series with the Comets
Ills afternoon, {'if
Roasting, one Of the hardest ^iit*
ting crews ip t)ie conference, the
ns P
present many opj
tudents whosdj
in announcing, script vjr ting nk#
technical control wOrkiitrt conijjt^-
tion with rsjdio. j r, . ft
: j ]'
The} college} maintains fi
studept employment wM'i»'
many! of the college! jjlb s,
these are clerks, smij' g
IHClut pS
Anti i|itj
. lOgraplit*,
laboratory assistants, I ii ietal j |« fid
wood shop assistants, U idscapsjitei
table | waiters ,draftsnji(f>, liomri
inns, statisticiians, reipoH Compill Bte
farm wotkerij, student! jaj|ii tors, fi
otheti miscellaneous pofjjil iions.
basketball, golf, tenhUi. awli,
minjr, fencing. rift«[ aid pistol
competition vje for th(i;4tuden^ * ;
Ini the realm of inti
sports football, basal
The social' calendar]
dances by clubs, regi
and the college; olme
as Parents Day and
ing Day; and barbec
quets by various opgai
■I I
rme -s need ^iore ^pitching tal-
" * ' rfivement in the field
ito i title contender.
, . e! tennis team which
dropped a close decision to the Uni-
, versilty of -Hobston in iti only out-
'iitiig to date rtleBts the Sam Hpus-
tpn State Coil lege netters on the
operate courts at 1:30 p.m. The
Kgics were scheduled to make
leir initial home appeiraneje (this
"tornoon against the ; Vatiderbilt
Cpmteodoife* Ut 1:30.
A total of six matches,; ^wo
doubiles and four singles, wil‘
played against |che Beqrkats}
Port Arthur Club
Wans for Easter
: The dance is.
■ <
te, c|i
Civil Service T
Cive Examinatio
“The Civjl Service jCommil t ,
has announced examiii ationsl fa 1,
the position of Contact! RepreSfUr
tative at entrance salaries rang
ing from $3373.40 to jji905.2t> M
annum. i
Employment will bd ! rith \tetjwi-
ans Administration establishmiehte
in the states of Texas Louis an*
and Mississippi. Com]
examination! is resttf
applicants entitled
Application fo;
tained from the Poj
Executive Secretary,
S. Civil Serttee Eufi
ans Administration 1
NO. 10,1114 Cor
las, Texas; the
Tenth U. S. Civil
11 I 11 , i | f ij j i ■ «« , i|
j! Pllans for a picnic and dance dur
ing th® En st * r Holidays were madu
at a recent meeting of the For;
Artljiiur A&M club, E. S. Brim*-
sard, club secretary, announced to-
ice is to be held at th s
L*glon Hall In Port Arf-
thUV on Friday, March 26.
TVrrell Park in Beaumont wa
lected us the site for the picni
r hich will be b^ld on Saturds
Arch 27. J ./
If enough/couples attem
aAJice, a $2}/cover charge- w 11 be
sufficient to cover expense
tjHui[dancie and the picnic, Brou
ird said.
jj/iii special meeting of the Pod;
!iur club will bo called later this
month. All Port Arthur Aggies ui;e
invited to attend for the final ma i-
of plans; Broussard conclui-/ ;
: i
capable of running: the United States.
Four Elected To
Insurance Board
. R. Alexander, J. D. Prewit,
"’umllnson, and Robert H. N
of Bryhn and'College Stat.-
s elected to the Original Boajrd
l|Directon of the Agricultural
orkers Mutual Auto InsuraUce
ipany at ; its { organizational
ting in Fpirt Worth last we ik.
te company was organized for
primary purposes of servjiiijr f
It- in professional agricult ire
auto insurance. j
C. Youpg of Fort Worth, |or-
was elected president, E.
‘ er of College Station'! md
Jones of Lubbock wjere
-presidohts, while W L.
Lubbock became ch*i
Board of Dimten.
Ah IM / :H
) ft