4 | • • 'll ... r i-ffcr f K H ■il f. • I; ( I- ■ ■Mil '■ f H Battalion i • i A H :/ IURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1948 ''Soldier, Statesjnan, Knightly Gentletna '*lu. :• ivan Selective 'rLij^ent Ti[um to tiie Congres^ y|estejrd; jandt deliberate appeal 'LL - tv" . Founder »^)f Aggie Traditions Service Agai: ee point” il: L k m "tirw • # ies- yiesternay was a sober i or thej United States, ito matsball its iniliiary stiieiigth, a semblance of ijhe \asi and might, ; machine; it discalrdet m arljf three years* ago! Thouigh thesja ac ions might seem drastit when considered in the light \>{ pist history, r-tlielnatn !!, actly what, w pdinb: univeri did hot use the trai -II ■m qr 11 Hi 1 OPENilAfON 11^ 4 |^||; ; .j | olved in the other two training (the President mary phrase, universal the common. attitucj e ' ofj selective seryite ipitil the universal train- If- in a recognized military scjhodl as a “substitiite” for camp training .. . „ op a lower level.'IVhihh Ls more important to i 1 President Trumpn’s fiist point, the passage opr future citizten-airnty—learning to pick up 1 of an effective Euiop< an4veeovery Plan., cigarette butts off a parade ground or study- As this was; beiijig vritjteh, no one knew ing the secret^ of physics and chemistry? I label a ‘fcrisis”, ileav es ittle grounds for j Igtionism. ' -I There should be li .tie : controversy over ide H'* ; * ■’ ; n of an effective ;Eui|ophan Recovery Plan. Marshal ■ i:< ‘Diplomatic j action without the' backing of military strong ;h in the jpnesent world can lead-only to apppase me iti.”)With these words Secretary of State Mai shall pegan h|is testi mony yjesterday before the ] Senate; Armed Services committee j irr mediately after Pres- * * “ — L. 1 ' ing program beHmef effective. I We hope that ip putting the trainSng- draft program i^tp iftetion, if it is parsed, the United States does not make the mistake of ’411, by basing its pre-radar ; tactics. |frt look impressive to e layman, but Mould hardly fool the keener ilitary analysts. j Along this line, pe hope that military of the present world leaders will recognize the importance of cob ^resjklfcnt saw fit td lege training tojfuturje soldiers, and will idlas- ittle grounds for iso-^ sify ROTC seryi Westminster Choir Appear Gladdens English Instruct Bj LOUIS MORGAN | j E Miss Clare E. Carson, A&M English instructor, in on the Westminister Choir rehearsals here bef|fc Town Hall performance on March 22. Miss Carson attem I. Westminister College in Princeton, New Jersey, du Testimony. •I! ) [ if ident iThiman's!spei!ch t ^ „ “The clear put issue if* whether or not this country will' stent before tjhe Morld for at least; the next five or-ten [years iji a posi tion appropriate te its leadeiiship in further ing thd perpetptimi of free governments, and avoiding their tran^taop into police states. U • I.. “T j We'desire a state of affairs which would make repetitions bf the fate [of Hungary and troll Czechoslovakia,! ibi. in imi^dtion ofj Finland, j On the cither hapd, Russia’s Andrei A. the Subversive apprutio as ip Jtaly and Frapc^,’ Gromyko sajifl he though President Trunian’s and the cold-blpodcd effort^ to destroy the speech was “propaganda mainly for internal power measure program is als, Greek government unlikely, because they would definitel.t be fraught with Veal dan ger to those who would attempt such actibn.” ' ‘ ' ikltion toll Wi •; Safety First Station) railroad and flashing red soon-. > ; }.j: Thcjugh thejaci fit in agreeing jtb terns.iii gratifying; being installed jwc installation ;ems on 1 he S< I • sill I • ! r ! He told the Scjnators: ; “The combination of two things, enact- rrjenjt of the European Recovery Program on the one hand and a decision by the American people that clearly indicates that- they are determined ip their course, are necessary now, I thinki to ihej maintenance of peace irt the world.; ; The secretary of state expressed concern over what hb called the “accelerated trjend” ojf events in Europe, |specifically rpentidning the tommunization of the Balkan states,: ex cept Greece, arid the, fact that both Hungary a|nd Czechosiovakicj “have been forced, into • ejomplete submission to the Communist con- r 17?” : x k 5 consumption That wad the only comment of the Soviet Marshall saip tt atj in aMtibn tej the maii- * Mary's Little laimb to a bunch of TIT zoot-soot- trs,” we shall have to infbrm you that most of the A&M students (except a few like you) are in* telligent enough to make up their own minds on ANY issue, without reading The Daily Texan to see which way TU voted in order to vote exactly the t)nposite. ; We are voting “for”, and as to your inference that some of the voters “for” have no! backbone, let f us say that one of us survived ac- rtive duty for three years in the Pacific and France, and another itkreO and one-half years as a ,;“guest” of the Imperial Japanese Army in Singapore. Try this on [your backbone. j , ; Since you are so Well': informed: as to what takes place oyer at the Forty Acres and our state capital, >just tell them that while they are [“squandering” the state’s money : (as you say they are),' just “squan- ■der” a little over in our direction. We, the $90 u month i>Wn of ole Aggieland, could certainly use that bonus, as of now! As to our being “too lazy to work charge is for the “rich” sauce that is served With the weiners. The prices of these items lead.Us to wonder if othdr items arc not slmiliarly Overpriced. WILLIAM W. CREE, JR., *50 HARRY DUNCAN, ’50 C. 0. SMITH, ’50 (HAS. W. CORDON, III 48 J. W. HARRIS, III. ’47 LLOYD THORNTON. ’47 P. S. We can back our prices. Can the mess halls back up their’s? 1 i : j | j ★ DIETICIAN??? Editor, The Battalion: )■ Would you plbaso publish the background and schooling our die tician has had. in thd science; of dietetics? 4 . ; ;■ 1 i A great many of us have reason to believe fee has had no trairting in (his field at all, If this is’ so, would you make this fact avail able also?1 'j '■! . Sincerely, . Rt DY E. TAK ACS (Ed. Note: The dietician at A&M is W. (’. Dahlkemper. Ac cording to Jay Pe!(ston, chief ;of subsistence, Dah.kempcr is not a graduate dietician but has) a "practical” knowledge in the field. He was a dietician [in charge of an army hospital dur ing the war.) ★ RELIGIOrsjEMPUASIS WEEK Editor, The Battalion: Although Religious Emphasis Week has just passed, I don’t t)link it is too early to begin to plan for next year. While the various churches nave their own speakers, ucation Head To To Address AIEE 1 ' ^ Resource-Use Meet Dr. G. R. Wilcox, head of the department of education and psy chology, will attend a work con ference on resource-use education at the University ojf North Caro lina, March 21-26. Dr. Wilcox will join two other men in representing Texas at the conference. They are J. B. Rutland, state director of resource educa tion and T. R. Buie, professor at Southwest Texas State Teachers College, San Marcos. The purpose of the cohfcrence is to provide the different state groups With ah opportunity for planning and improving the use of resources and educational programs concerning state resources! Conferences and clinics will be held at Chapel Hill to afford those attending an opportunity to dis cuss with staff mehribers and con sultants, and with conferees from other groups the problems which arise in the basic interest and state group meetings. hibltion Miss 'fill s|( ■Rill det g thje k, fi summer of 1945. Those who have attended the colljk re ar privileged to attend rehearsals, she+- said. ’ II j Miss Carson entered WesUninis- ter College for a three week’s course without previous profession al training In music. She had, how- ever, directed a Presbyterian Church Choir in Goose Creek, and had sung second alto in other choirs. After the course was over, her class was able to present in concert 13 anthems from memory. Dr. John F. Williamson, founder and head of the college, is the kind of man who inspires his students to work, Miss Carson said. She be* lieves that anyone can learn to sing well under his method of teaching. Westminster students are taught to sing from feeling, and los are considered a type of ek- - # -Mf* • i ...!■ at Westminster accord- lift while running the lift), she expli npi at which the natug y of a voice changes i tminater students are taught g With a minimum of mouth id postage stamps are Used on over-expressive rows, she said. A cold is not sufficient excuse to remain silent i i a Westminster choir practice, MMI Carson, whose h is in iijis^a graduate of the Uni- iish^lffandSoT This is her sec- as an instructor m oteri N HENRY BLA^Ki FRED C. SEALE > ELECTRIC CO. Contracting - Appliances Fixtures P.O. Box 292 h Dial 2-6424 Bryan, Texas 1 S2i»’ «• Christians, If the program is to be truly for the whole college, it seems proper tha an outstanding Jewish or C ‘holic leader should be invited as the speaker for next year; doing here? By the Way, are you any kin to Bobby Breen, possessor of the sweet tenor voice ? Yours for BBB*, A. L. CARPENTER, ’39 F. M. CARPENTER. ’50 •Bonuses for Boys with Backbones. Sincerely, STUART JjlacFARLANE BETTER HIDING PLACES Editor, The Battalion'*, j j j- It seems that everyone lately has been wondering about the price of milk bottles that are broken in Duncan and Sbisa Halls. We are wondering about the price of Cer tain items offered in the cafeterias. There has beph a lot of talk about the *Tiidden costs.” We wish they would hide some of the cost of food bought in these establish ments. We have looked into the matter some and have come up with these rather startling facts. 1. Grapefruit bought retail are five for l()e, yet ill the cafeteria PALACE ■ phone 7-8870 WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY 2. Grapefruit juice bought retail is two cans for 2ac> yet in the Tjtf a glass and ics to tch 25e worth of grapefruit juice tjie charge is $1.54 in the cafetqria. cafeteria we pay there are 11 glasses to a can. In other words for q ft ning back; soon and when \ >e in good with the right peo\ Dry is kding to findAnything wrong wi Ilf a piece in the ‘But wbh’t sign. For drinks I pay ca$h\Prohibi-ij 3. Weiners are (Sloes Ii ! cafeteria, yet we jean buy them re- ■ xr j tail at 55c for ten,! or 6Msc each. u ■ In other wojVl.s the cafeteria charg es exactly twice the retail price. We realize, of Course, that the extra account.” ' l Iff fault” or crack in the earth’ ■jich most of California’^ earthjejuake cur, , h “the state’s- only fault”— claiming it has none.j—ArkaUsa# Qazqtte. + tected: and their other jwords, GcfJ;’(| u tI J nt -At ca •epatrii tfio'n facilitated. In ,1 I. Miller’s is advertising as one Battaliorj, official Station, '['exaa ftempon, exceptl during h< lldays ; and exapiination lished semi-week 1 ^ Kiihortrilnti/in! rhto 1 nor iftriVinr • New* cont Win Hall. Classil 209, Goodwin AB-American Tlie .'aaociaM ed to It or nk>k Righta of republ: jthe sdioner tlje bete Cjhristmas specials “the bag of the hour . . | was Gazette: so round, $o plump) so fully shirred.” !t y j hi teTlp’ 11 : —— 1 he Battalia tic Agricultural and red five times a week of the and ioda. Mechar circul During t ft ft |j h and the Cit; Frida; Subs ;ri )Libn; rpte $4.30 per school year. Adver Jti ons n aj be m ide lay telephone (4i-5444) led ads naii be placed by .telephone (4-5324)j ! :■ ' !• : : /Iri! - P’-esa is ise cr Enteijed u lecond-i OKlc# *t College StetiU, the Act: of j Congress W ftor CHAfILIE MURIf Vick Lindler J. T. Miller. Kenneth Mack T. Nolen R. L. B llinjjaley. Hart ffom Calrter, T*i Cop( 1 College of Texas and ( eyelry Monday (through „ i summer The Battalion is pub- ed on resuest. IT' Or at the editorial office. Room 201, Good- or at the Student Activities Office, Room i titled exclusively to the use for j »«| Assodated Collegiate Press ill: V Member jtob« r _ot The Associated Press of all hews dispatches credit- eous origin published herein. pALAC CO ?lSo M ™ N S:5”»^ TICKETS ON SALE NOW) Admission 60c j| Ay DIPfCT rRO'^l houywooo. OPENS 1:00 P.M. PH. 4.1 i 8 i TODAY— FRIDAY * SAT. —Features Begin— 1:35 - 4:15 - 6:55 - 9:35 -PlUSt- ' f News—CAKTOOS 30c -J- Tax Included —I SAT/ / PREV UE^41:00 p jVI ‘ SUN/— MON. — TUBS. — wed. SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER \ : Friday, Saturday & Sunday N nights -4- for the Junior rue BIG CIOcK HIGH WALL IF YOU Kf«EW SUSH WATCH FOB THESE BIG ONES 'aglMui ifeSMA P JMf YVA^SIR BR.'S Escape ..ME Never" i. iL M r4 fc WM* • aw* * •MMt