THE BATTALION. College Station, Texas. A r the military department throughout the College. Breaches of discipline are punished by confinement to room aud guard room; extra tours of duty; demerits; suspension and dismis- ’he aptitude of the students for military instruction is The following have shown special apt tude for mil- rv service; Cgclet Captains B. C. Parsons and W. H. Mitch- eTf/and Cadet Lieutenant and Adjutant J. W. Hawkins, all of whom are desirous of entering the army as second lieutenants by civilian appointment. Their general standing in studies is good and they arPlipparently physically sound. The College campus furnishes an excellent drill ground. There are no facilities Iot indoor drill. The ordinance and ordinance stores on hand, all of which are the property of the United States, consists of 230 Springfield cadet rifles, caliber 45, and 230 sets of accoutrements, and are properly cared for under the direction of the military professor. The rifles are in excellent condition, but the accoutrements are old and worn and should be replaced. None of the stores are un fit for use. The full allowance of ammunition has been drawn from the United States. The commandant’s office is in the main college building, and was found to be in excellent condi tion. The quarterly report has been regularly rendered to the Adjutant General of the army and copies of all reports and corre spondence are retained for transfer to the officer’s successor. A morning report book is kept for each company and a consol idated morning report book for the battalion. A guard report book, order book and delinquency book are also kept. I re ceived a view of the battalion of cadets, which was command ed by First Lieutenant B. C. Morse, 18th Infantry. The cer emony was well rendered and the battalion presented a fine appearance. The review was followed by an inspection of the battalion. The uniforms were neat and well fitting and the arms in excellent condition. The accoutrements were clean, but the leather Isold and not susceptible of polish. The num ber of cadets present at inspection was 178; absent, 37. The battalion was subsequently drilled by the commandant. The drill embraced most of the movements in the school of the bat talion and was highly creditable. The battalion drill was fol lowed by company drills, each company being commanded by its cadet captain, and the exercises concluded with a very handsome drill by the select company. The excellent con dition of the battalion reflects great credit upon the very ca pable instructor, Lieutenant Morse. I visited and inspected the dormitories, Mess hall, kitchen, etc., all of which were found to be in good order. Very Respectfully, P. D. Vroom, Major Inspector General. Alexandria, La., May 25th, 1893. ^ - R Tuuowfninute Oration. J j // / ///,/ Mr. Chairman, Members of the Convention:—r- Mr. Bocock, as the gentleman would haW-you believe, is a wonderful man—born in Dog-days, reared in the wilds of Wal- laho swamp. He was captain of a “chicken and watermelon” club, whose motto was “Boys, have fun.” He was teacher in a town ball team; also judge in a Kangaroo court, sometimes act- ingas prosecuting attorney—in case the gentlemen who regu larly filled that position was absent. So it is all through his boyish days we observe him exercising a dominant influence over his companions. I might go on enumerating many points exhibiting the wonderful genius with which he is undoubtedly endowed. He is now First Lieutenant and Quartermaster for the “Ross Volunteers,” vice president of the Calliopean society . and secretary and treasurer of the Fatman’s Club. As you /- . have been told, the crisis is upon us and the only way we can extricate ourselves from this great calamity, is to send men to congress who have a copious supply of originately men, whose heart and soul is with the people he represents. 1 feel assured that there is not a man in this democratic assemblage, who can say that he has ever been unloyal to those time honored principles of “Personal Liberty,” “State Rights” and “Tariff for Revenue only.” Then, fellow democrats, if he is mentally and morally qual ified to fill such a position, the next question is, “Is he the man the masses will support ?” Why, if you should go out among these Bohemians and hear how confident and familiarly they speak of “Old Doc,” you would unhesitatingly say Yes. My hearers, it gives me great pleasure to have the privilege of seconding Mr. Bocock’s nomination, and X call upon'you in the name of love of Peace, Happiness and Prosperity to cast your vote and use your influence for Bocock for congress. The Literary Societies- Calliopean Society. On September 23rd the society assembled in the Callio pean society and had a good attendance present. President Ross’ countenance was seen beaming above the desk. All of the new members were initiated without further formal ity, after which the society proceeded to take up the pro gramme; which was both pleasing and interesting. Music was delightfully rendered b^v Messrs. Polk, Cohen and Dechi- man, for which the society very appropriately extended thanks to the performers. On Saturday night, September 30th, the society was called to order, President Ross in the chair. The society then proceeded to the election of officers for the next three months. Those elected were:— E. L. Bruce, President; J. H, Bocock, Vice President;, Har per Speer, Critic; Massenburg, Recording Secretary; Polk^ Corrksponding Secretary; Mayes, Censor; Gilbert, Librarian; Seweil, Assistant Librarian; Leary, Sergeant-at-Arms; Belden; Assistant Sergeant-at-arms. After the officers were elected the society proceeded to take up the programme. The following is a short summary of the programme:— Mr. W. M. Luckett favored the society wfith an oration ■which was much appreciated by all. Mr. Mayes held the attention of those present completely for a short time. Tlm^essay by Mr. Beldin was good and well read. ,The society then proceeded to debate. Question—“Resolved ,H^iat Texas should maintain her militia.” The affirmative side w r as very ably represented by Messrs. Gilbert, Japhet and Leary. The negative, by Messrs. Bruce. Ross, F. and John. All the speeches were short but to the point. The President opened the debate to volunteers, w r hen I’m Dan Cushing in de fense of the negative made a very telling speech which was answered by A. M. Todd on the affirmative. The Tribunal decided unanimously in favor of the affirma tive, after which the society transacted some business of minor importance and adjourned. Austin Society. Society Hall, Sept. 23. Society was called to order at the usual hour, President Pittuck in the chair. The society opened with a full attend ance and an -interesting program was carried out. Quite a number of new men were declared members of the society and many more were initiated. The society is building its found ation firmer at every meeting. The programme was carried