/ j 'M -ASSOCIATE EDITOES.- Calliopean— I >{ s t- fe Yv'ill Dazev, A. M. Fekgusox. Jok Gilbert, A. M. Todd. E. C. Jon'as, (Austin) H. P. Jordan, (Calliopean) L. L. ^rown, (Austin) Business Manager. Associate Business M’g’rs. IWEDOf^fl. From the gray, ruined tower of other days She watched his white sail fade across the blue; Swiftly it sped athwart the morning haze Into the sun’s fresh glory; soon it grew A slender point before the straining gaze, Then vanished; and the circling sea-birds flew O’er the sad ocean that still sobbed, adieu. . And many another sun arose and shone On the gray tower and the lonely isle, Where, in her laticed chamber, all alone, She weaved gay webs the moments to beguile. The billows mocked her with eternal moan, The heavens mocked her with eternal smile, And vine-leaves chuckled o’er the moulding pile. At last afar, beneath a purple sky, A tiny dot upon a silver sea, She marks a white sail drawing ever nigh ; The dark hull rises swiftly. It is he! Her hands, impatient, throw their labor by; Clasped to his mail-clad bosom: “Can it be Again, Conrad, my love, from war and danger free.” —Exchtnge. Miscellany Department. A. M. TODD and VV. DAZEY, Editoes' Response to the Valedictorian. Ladies and Gentlemen:—In response to the Valedictorian of the graduating class, it has been made my duty to express to them on this happy occasion and in this hearing, the senti ments of the undergraduates of the Agricultural and Mechan ical College of Texas. The honor of thus representing the second class, has doubtless been conferred upon me through partiality more than sound discretion. But it is not for me to criticize the action of my classmates, but to represent them to the best of my ability. Gentlemen of the graduating class:—In the words just spo ken by your representative we recognize the expression of that fraternal regard which you entertain, and have always mani fested toward us as well as the filial affection with which we trust you will always regard this noble institution. And es pecially on this occasion do we rejoice to know that during the pleasant and I trust profitable months spent here, we have formed sacred ties of friendship which will be long remem bered as among the most durable ties of lifw. As our inter course has been pleasant, I trust it has been permanently prof itable to all concerned—to you of the first class as valuable experience, and to the undergraduates as wholesome discipline and profitable intercourse. We appreciate »he interest you have taken in the discharge of your prescribed duties toward us. As disciplinarians, you have discharged your responsible duties with credit to yourselves and the College, and with profit to us. We know that often duty and friendship have been brought face to face but in the end duty prevailed and always for the best. I believe I can truly say that to-day you see before you, and to-morrow you leave behind, as fine a cadet corps as there is in the country, and this character is to a large extent, the result of your energy, intelligence and devotion to duty, under the guidance of your honured faculty. You, like the rest of us, have been at the foot of the ladder, and through hard study and intelligent discipline you have reached a position of honor and responsibility which you have worn and exercised with credit to yourselves and benefit to those with whom you have been associated in the duties and discipline of the College. Gentlemen, you have now comple ted your course, and will leave these pleasant associations and mingle with the world, and become a part of its living, active, and I trust influential citizenship. In view of this separation, I express the sentiments of those you leave behind, when I say we bid you God-speed, and that we part from you with regret, and yet with a pleasing satisfaction—regret that our pleasant intercourse as schoolmates and friends is at an end—yet satis fied that, though absent from these halls and this campus, that you go equipped to lead the way which we hope, in due time to follow. The advantages wdiich you have enjoyed here were provided by a generous and enlightened government, state and national, and administered by a College faculty ful ly alive to the importance of their work. Your country, by its wisdom and liberality, and through its wisely selected agents has armed and equipped you for the battles of life— has furnished to your hands the implements with which you are to hew out each man his own destiny. In return for this, your country expects you at all times to be found at the post of duty • c wheie all the honor lies.” Remember, we look to you for examples which we vyill be proud to emulate. The paths you have trod we will tread, and in due time we hope to take our places with you, shoul der to shoulder, to meet the duties of life as they present them selves. The College, in its organized capacity—president, di rectors, faculty, and pupils—look upon you this day with lau dable pride, confident that wherever you go you will reflect credit on your Alma Mater. Gentlemen, we have no doubt of your success and shall look to you for examples of citizenship, when we too, in the Providence of God shall be called upon to take up the real duties of life. In conclusion, in behalf of the Cadet Corps of the Agricul tural and Mechanical College of Texas, I desire to bid you an affectionate farewell and may God Almighty keep you in his care, and preserve each one of you for high and honorable spheres of usefulness. Very Respectfully, B. C. PlTTUCK. A Iiesson of the Panic. One of the most striking lessons shown by the panic is the intimate relation between capital and labor. The contraction of credit and the withdrawal of capital out of business throw labor out of employment. Although there may be quarrels between employers and employes, there can be no war be tween capital and labor. Their interests are mutual. To strike down capital is to strike down labor. The blow aimed at capital falls on labor. A clear recognition of this fact will tend toward the arbitration and peaceful settlement of all differences that may arise between employers and employes.— Farm and Fireside.