THE CARTER STUDIO Opposite Carnegie Library SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO SOLDIERS AND CADETS KODAK FINISHING Bryan ADDED PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TAKEN. As a further precaution in the control of the epidemic on the Campus the au thorities have thrown additional restric tions around the sale of cold drinks and other confections at the several cold drink establishments on the Campus, the dorm itories and barracks are being policed and the pool room of the Y. M. C. A. has been closed. All assemblies of every kind at the Y and elsewhere on the Campus are prohibited and the Y building will be open HASWELL’S BOOK STORE Bryan, Texas. AGENCY EASTMAN KODAKS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS. Athletic Supplies of All Kinds. BRANDON St LAWRENCE EVERYTHING FOR THE SOLDIER for the time being only for reading and writing. Where class rooms are crowded by large sections, instructors have been au thorized to dismiss half the section until the next recitation hour in order to pre vent contagion by overcrowding. JUNIOR PINS—Those who did not get in an order for pins, see R. H. Ramsey by Saturday noon and place order. 25 ❖ GEO. A. ADAMS * INSURANCE Phone 265. Fire : Life : Accident : Automobile City National Bank Building BRYAN, TEXAS. ❖ ❖ 4* 4* ❖ ❖ * ❖ THE POST EXCHANGE BARBER SHOP Is the place to get your work done the way you like it. We employ only first-class, experienced barbers and guarantee to please you. Every thing sanitary. JONES & ROYSE Proprietors