THE DAILY BULLETIN Published daily (except Mondays) by the A. and M. Print Shop for circulation among students, faculty, and campus residents. V^l. II. College Station, Texas, Wednesday, December 20, 1916. No. 75. Student Labor, the 20th. Students having student labor cards and who are on the pay roll this month will call at cash ier’s office on the 20th for their pay Those failing to call on the 20th, will not be paid until the 31st. W WIPPRECHT, Business Manager. No Army Coats This Year. Owing to the fact that the army overcoat is not desired by a ma jority of the corps, it will not be purchased this year C. H. MULLER, Commandant. Headquarters Corps of Cadets Agricultural &Mechanical Collegeof Texas College Station, Texas. MEMORANDUM- Paragraphs 2 and 7, Memoran dum, December 18, 1916, is an nulled and the following is sub stituted: 2. The 2nd regiment will turn in arms and equipment, after drill, Wednesday December 20th, in the following order: Co’s. E F G H, at room No 315. Co’s A B C D at room No 316, 7. The Non- Commissioned Staff Officers, 2nd Regiment, will report to Sergt. Hyland, after drill, December 20th. C. H MULLER, Commandant. Attention, “Stay-overs.” I would like to have the name of every ctidet who will be here during the holidays. If “Rail” Rogers’ food campaign meets with the results which now seem possible, we will have a big feed and stunt party during the holi days. I want to know who will be here. Kindly drop a card in to the Campus post office for me, not later than Thursday morn ing. IKEASHBURN, Publicity Agent. Costume Dance Notice. Meeting in “Y” today, 4:15 p. m. to discuss costumes. Those who have not already arranged for costumes please be present. W. L. S. Return E. E. Books. All persons having books from the Electrical Engineering Li brary will please return them by Thursday, noon. F. C. BOLTON. <1F The only thing that is mine is the free exercise of my own thoughts. —Ditgenes.