New Shipments of REGULATION SWEATERS OLIVE DRAB SHIRTS TENNIS SH >ES RAIN COATS OVER SHOES Bryan's Big Clothing %. H. Seniors at Waco. Aggies Defeat Miners, 77 to 0. The Missouri Miners lost to the Texas Aggies yesterday on Kyle Fied to the tune of 77 to 0. Practically every man on the A. and M. squad had a tryout during the game. Needs Record of Addresses. Every cadet who has not given in his record of address to the campus postmaster, will please call at the window of the campus post-office and give the necessary information as soon as conveni ent. 0. 0. Henderson. ^A^tEjS.-^iS “Advanced English Grammar^’ by Kittredge and Farley. No 5 Pfeufferr" 4 It v tytc- it*. * said in Room 401 Alain.BujIding tomorrow morn- Several seniors in thff Anjittai 1 Husbandry course are at VYaco, this 'feek for the purpose a or do ing siteie practical work in stock judging at the Cottpn Pai n e ex hibit. -»■ Among- those who left the early part of the week are: M. D. GhfilMa,n..;'-ift P. SSiitbij'ii -ii - “ A. J. Bennett- ’ Hugh Brooks C. F. Braunig - if / O. F-.S^eireer .rpi: - P, P.xReilly . Jack S hel ton - ■ m«■» H LOS T — A * bogli, “Henry’s Feeds and Feeding!” with T ' N. Lee’s name in it. Return “to 72 Mitchell, illeaer rf ‘ s '/ * ’ ;i *■' W, 'Mbhtgomery. * - f a ■ pii d"-' O'*'-'* Sai#. w f : B'M .1 JJ’ 1 " “CAPETS” We sell th famous ", > .r.., r Bostonian Shoes f ■ - * it Fd w rrr C1 a pp Shoes „ _ and every-thing^in r -4^; Men’s Furnishing . • - c ; * i Gpod.S-. j, :,i ■.» , ,j- t;. . t h" Yours truly,’ Webb 8 Brothers % t-. 4-, Bryan , -- ■