New Shipments of REGULATION SWEATERS OLIVE DRAB SHIRTS TENNIS SHOES RAIN COATS OVER SHOES at A. M. Waldrop & Co. Bryan's Rig Clothing Store The Senior Dance. Through the efforts of Captain C. H Muller and the kindness of the Department of Civil Engin eering we will be allowed the use of the large drafting room in the C E Building for our dances. It now behooves every senior to raise the social standard of the College and to promote a bet ter feeling between the residents of the campus and the corps of cadets. The campus people sac rifice a great deal of their time and patience for the entertain ment of our friends, and we should show our appreciation to them in every way possible. It is our intention to have four campus ladies serve on our re ception committee at each dance and to be official chaperones. We hope to have all the ladies of Col lege Station serve on the pro gram between now and June, but we extend a hearty invitation to all of them to attend every dance. It is up to the members of this year’s Senior Class to set the standard. Let’s everyone get busy and support the social side of the institution. The next Senior Dance will be on Saturday evening, the 18th. Make your date and come out. Social Secretary, H. L. FRY. LOST- A small notebook con taining Chamistry notes; also a regulation cap. Return to 78 Milner. J. B. McKnight. “CADETS” We sell the famous Bostonian Shoes Edwin Clapp Shoes and everything in Men’s Furnishing Goods. Yours truly, Webb Brothers Bryan