Company F. 1 Sergeant (original vacancy.) 3 Corporals (1 vice Breckenridge- 2 original vacancies.) Company G. 2 Sergeants - original vacancies.) 3 Corporals- 2 vice Peteet and Humphreville - 1 original va cancy.) Company H. 3 Corporals (2 vice Maxwell, E. R. and Sharp -1 original vacan cy.) , SECOND REGIMENT. (The list of vacancies to be filled in the Second Regiment with the remainder of this circular will ap pear in tomorrow morning’s is sue of the Bulletin.) Hervy, 21 Mitchell sells sweaters A REAL SMOKE! Men who know a real good smoke will find the most com plete line of CIGARS in the following: Joan of Arc Salome Jim Ferguson Watts Little Barretts Cinco Lawrence Barretts El Roi Tan Little Toms Little Tan Rex Roys Roi Tan (Infants) Capstan One that has ever smoked any will recognize the above named Cigars of QUALITY. SEE THEM. BOYETT’S STORE A. C. Bailey, Manager North Main Street. ft The “Sneaks” have arrived. New shipment of bath robes just received. BRANDON AND LAWRENCE Say, fellows, do any of you know the whereabouts of my dark checked mackinaw. I’ll ap preciate any information con cerning it. — F. L. Bertschler, 38 Leggett. LOST—My Zoology. Please re turn it.—J, B. H., 36 Mitchell. ON SALE AT Hervey’s, 21 Mitchell.