Guard Detail. October 30, 1916. Officer of the Day: Cadet Lieut. Jennings, R. Q. Officer of the Guard: Cadet Prir. Lockett, W. C. Letters Uncalled For. Following is a list of letters that remain uncalled for at the Campus Postoffice: Clarkson, Frank Frost, Francis A. Holmsley, W. B. Keys, T. H. Lynn, C. W. Shifley, Ben. Williams, Clayton W. See A. M. Waldrop’s represen tative at 21 Mitchell for sweaters, shoes, raincoats, and all gents furnishings. Headquarters Corps /^Cadets Agricultural & Mechanical (J^iege ofTexa® College Station, Texas. October 28,1916. CIRCULAR: Hereafter Guard Mount will be under arms. C. H. MULLER, Commandant. LOST—I will give an “egg- malted” for the return of my gray sweater. Staeker, 24 Good win. Crispettes! What is that? I am not going to tell you! Spend one nickel at Frits’ Fruit Stand and you will know. Who makes that stuff? Go and see for yourself at the* place where the old Carpenter Shop used to be. FRITS. ‘‘BOYS” Don’t fail to pay u s a visit each day, as there is s o m e- thing that you always need. If at any time you are in need of something that we uo not car ry in stock, let us know. We need you and you need us, so let’s get together and cooper ate in our wishes. Anything that you may need in your “FEASTS”, just lot us know, and we will prepare for them BOYETT’S STORE North Main Street, College Station. The “Sneaks” have arrived. New shipment of bath robes just received. BRANDON AND- LAWRENCE/