For a Few Days Only ALL READY-TO-WEAR Suits and Overcoats SO PER CENT. OFF Brandon & Lawrence OFFICIAL notices] — \ —[ Guard Detail. For Jan. 30, 1916: Officer of the Day— Cadet Capt. Bull, A. C. Officer of the Guard- Cadet Priv. Hobbs, L. S. Mechanical Engineering 2. A class in M. E. 2, old curricu lum (Catalogue 38), will be estab lished for those engineering stu dents who are in the need of this course. Each student interested must leave with me a copy of his second term schedule, so that a suitable time may be selected. Let me have the copy of your schedule before January 31. , v; ft* El J. Fermier, Prof. Mech. Eng. Attention Ross Volunteers. The banquet to be given by the new members to the old mem bers of the Ross Volunteers, in lieu of the regular initiation, will be held in the Mess Hall on Fri day night, February 4. All OLD MEMBERS who expect to attend this banquet will please register in Ross 14, Sunday af ternoon, so that a correct esti mate of plates to be served will be attained. Arrangement Committee, A. D. Bruce, S. P. McFadden, P. G. Haines.